Nitpicking here, but it was a consulate, not an embassy. Not quite as bad, but still a flagrant violation of int'l norms dating back centuries, if not further.
Also, as ZebraZ points out, Iran is already prepared for war, and their drone shipments to Russia have been helpful in the SMO/invasion.
Other than that, points well-taken as always. It seems that Israel is escalating this conflict in hopes of dragging US/NATO into it, and thereby securing victory. But American imperialism is not what it used to be, and while Israel has won its previous wars, its luck may well run out this time.
“In any case, Iran's missile systems are not yet ready for use in actual war.”
What? Where did you get that from? Iran has thousands of ballistic missiles that have undergone multiple tests including in actual combat or warfare! Forgot about those they unloaded on ISIS in Syria in 2018, or on the American bases in Iraq in 2020, or the ones the Houthis have unleashed since their war against Saudi Arabia, etc.? Hope you didn’t already miss the fact that Iran also has one of the most (if not the top) prolific or advanced drone design and manufacturing programs in the world, with excellent battlefield results as Russia and Ukraine can attest!
Much related Geopolitical events, facts and situations...
My believe in the narratives from the US has gone to 0% since 1966 after my first fact checks.
And it didn't have to be changed any more.
I supported Jews, as i thought, in Israel, because my parents had fought the Nazi Occupation in '40-'45 in the Dutch Resistance, as follow up of the "Roode Hulp", a communist international organisation that aided Jews and Communists (often both) fleeing Nazi-Germany over the border, where they were shot at by Dutch border guards. And then giving them shelter and food and help to go to England.
My Father helped organise the dockers to strike in the "Februari Strike" in 1942 against Jew-Pogroms in Amsterdam.
It lasted until i fact-checked the stories i got from Palestine. Now i make a distinction between "Jew" and "Zionist" as i advice anyone who seeks Truth as i do.
PS. I avoid the word "Jew"; its definition is slippery as it is not known by most:
Jew is NOT Ethnic. NOT A RACE. There are Semitic Jews, Germanic Jews, Slavic Jews, Caucasian Jews and Khazarian Jews: a Turkish race, from Russia and the Caucasus "Tatars" descendants of "The Mongol Golden Horde", who turned to the Judaist religion in ~800 AD.
A "Jew" is a believer in Judaism, follower of Jewish Law. NOT a RACE. NOT an Ethnic definition.
It is therefore clear that Ethiopian (black) Jews and Khazarian Jews (largest population in Israel) do NOT have ancestors that stem from the "Holy land", Most Palestinians do, they are Semites. Most "Jews" are NOT Semites.
I don't think I ever did. But I'm beginning to believe the power dynamics are the reverse from what I thought before... The US isn't the "big buddy" of Israel. The US is Israel's "little bitch" and it does as it's told or else the Zionists pull out the "you're being anti-semitic" card and stops funding Congress and the White House via AIPAC.
I believe one of the WCK aid workers was listed as a dual Canadian-American citizen. The US doesn't even care about losing one of its own or one of its allies' citizens. I guess Biden is just too cowardly and does as Bibi tells him to. Truly Stupid and Stupider and more Stupider....
Exactly you are red pilling, good stuff. Soon a lot of other things like endless usury the left calls "capitalism," and rentier behavior will snap into focus as well. Look into how the Jews and Medicis conspired against the Catholic's Church's prohibition on usury in 14th century Florence.
Julian, check the Al Jazeera report on the murdered aid workers. The convoy was hit in three different locations, using very specialised and targeted ordinance. The colleagues of the murdered say they know that they are targeted and are lucky not to have shared their fate so far. It screams of a very deliberate and bestial targeting to quash further aid, following their hatchet job on UNRWA. There are no depths they will not plumb.
DaSynagogue of Satan produces evil through its willing servants who are easily led and easily fed on their own desire to be gods - welcome to American and western culture, including most churchians. BTW - that was NOT the culture hundreds of years ago.
The ultimate STUPIDITY is trying to replace GOD and become a god - a SHTUPID LIE which Eve believed and Adam accepted.
Without evil, there would be no need for Christ - - Evil can conspire all it wants. And it does. It conspired to bring down the King of kings himself, and in doing so it guaranteed its own defeat. And that’s SHTUPID! If that is hard to understand.......maybe you’ I WAS!
Sly as dirty rabid foxes. Come on, that old soft-shoe 9-1-1? Right, no Jewish involvement there, in the process of neo-jew-con Project for a New American Century, read, New Wailing Wall White House & Billionaire (mostly Jewish) Century.
So, how many millions have died because of Trade Center a and b and then Building 7 and then that Pentagon fun thing? How many trillions in the back pockets of Fortune 10,000 companies, and the DoD whores, Offensive Dual and Triple Use Bomb and Bullets Cartel?
Nah, the world is a battlefield, and the mind is that one too, thanks to the well, fun bar and bat mitzvahed elites, chosen god seed, the rulers of Goyim.
Stupid? Stupidier? Come on. Millions die each year of gut and treatable diseases. Millions next year, and then, of course, tens of millions in the next decade.
They have the microphone and microbiology and nanobiology and AI-VR-MR-AR down pat!
Distracted, lobotomized, dysfunctional, dellusional, diseased, and dumb-downed to the point of being fucking dirty goyim geese following the star and the david around like mutants.
The "New York Times" has an article about the dreadful miscalculation of the IOF (formerly know as IDF) in the slaughter of 7 aid workers. This is telling. The "NYT" has not felt the need to correct its wildly inaccurate portrayal of the October 7 Hamas military incursion. Israel may be just one embassy bombing away from another "NYT" headline hand slap.
Our government (U.S.A.) exists in a bubble. The magnitude of horror necessary to pierce it is one I wish was not necessary to contemplate.
I agree the U.S. is stupid, Israel however is evil and Jews have been evil for 2000 years since the fall of their second temple. What the left calls "capitalism," and the rentier class is simply Jewish usury writ large.
I have finally been forced to accept what seems the only possible conclusion: that fundamentalist Jews and the Israeli authorities consider all Gentiles literally subhuman. That means, of course, that Jews have no moral obligations towards Gentiles; and, moreover, that God is quite happy for Jews to lie to, cheat, rob, imprison, exploit, rape, or murder Gentiles.
That assumption is the only one I know that explains the conduct of Israel and its people.
Yes. The mainline of Talmudic Jews farm us like cattle. Torah Jews and secular Jews are fine, Rabbinic Talmudic Judaism is pure evil though. The actual descendants of the old Testament Jews are the Palestinians, the AskeNAZIS are Turks who wear "Jewish" skinsuits.
Lebanon is to the North not the West. To the West is the Mediterranean.
Nitpicking here, but it was a consulate, not an embassy. Not quite as bad, but still a flagrant violation of int'l norms dating back centuries, if not further.
Also, as ZebraZ points out, Iran is already prepared for war, and their drone shipments to Russia have been helpful in the SMO/invasion.
Other than that, points well-taken as always. It seems that Israel is escalating this conflict in hopes of dragging US/NATO into it, and thereby securing victory. But American imperialism is not what it used to be, and while Israel has won its previous wars, its luck may well run out this time.
“In any case, Iran's missile systems are not yet ready for use in actual war.”
What? Where did you get that from? Iran has thousands of ballistic missiles that have undergone multiple tests including in actual combat or warfare! Forgot about those they unloaded on ISIS in Syria in 2018, or on the American bases in Iraq in 2020, or the ones the Houthis have unleashed since their war against Saudi Arabia, etc.? Hope you didn’t already miss the fact that Iran also has one of the most (if not the top) prolific or advanced drone design and manufacturing programs in the world, with excellent battlefield results as Russia and Ukraine can attest!
Thank you again.
Much related Geopolitical events, facts and situations...
My believe in the narratives from the US has gone to 0% since 1966 after my first fact checks.
And it didn't have to be changed any more.
I supported Jews, as i thought, in Israel, because my parents had fought the Nazi Occupation in '40-'45 in the Dutch Resistance, as follow up of the "Roode Hulp", a communist international organisation that aided Jews and Communists (often both) fleeing Nazi-Germany over the border, where they were shot at by Dutch border guards. And then giving them shelter and food and help to go to England.
My Father helped organise the dockers to strike in the "Februari Strike" in 1942 against Jew-Pogroms in Amsterdam.
It lasted until i fact-checked the stories i got from Palestine. Now i make a distinction between "Jew" and "Zionist" as i advice anyone who seeks Truth as i do.
PS. I avoid the word "Jew"; its definition is slippery as it is not known by most:
Jew is NOT Ethnic. NOT A RACE. There are Semitic Jews, Germanic Jews, Slavic Jews, Caucasian Jews and Khazarian Jews: a Turkish race, from Russia and the Caucasus "Tatars" descendants of "The Mongol Golden Horde", who turned to the Judaist religion in ~800 AD.
A "Jew" is a believer in Judaism, follower of Jewish Law. NOT a RACE. NOT an Ethnic definition.
It is therefore clear that Ethiopian (black) Jews and Khazarian Jews (largest population in Israel) do NOT have ancestors that stem from the "Holy land", Most Palestinians do, they are Semites. Most "Jews" are NOT Semites.
"Does anyone believe what the US says anymore? "
I don't think I ever did. But I'm beginning to believe the power dynamics are the reverse from what I thought before... The US isn't the "big buddy" of Israel. The US is Israel's "little bitch" and it does as it's told or else the Zionists pull out the "you're being anti-semitic" card and stops funding Congress and the White House via AIPAC.
I believe one of the WCK aid workers was listed as a dual Canadian-American citizen. The US doesn't even care about losing one of its own or one of its allies' citizens. I guess Biden is just too cowardly and does as Bibi tells him to. Truly Stupid and Stupider and more Stupider....
Exactly you are red pilling, good stuff. Soon a lot of other things like endless usury the left calls "capitalism," and rentier behavior will snap into focus as well. Look into how the Jews and Medicis conspired against the Catholic's Church's prohibition on usury in 14th century Florence.
Julian, check the Al Jazeera report on the murdered aid workers. The convoy was hit in three different locations, using very specialised and targeted ordinance. The colleagues of the murdered say they know that they are targeted and are lucky not to have shared their fate so far. It screams of a very deliberate and bestial targeting to quash further aid, following their hatchet job on UNRWA. There are no depths they will not plumb.
Good luck dear friend.
Yes the Jews in Israel are sickening levels of evil.
DaSynagogue of Satan produces evil through its willing servants who are easily led and easily fed on their own desire to be gods - welcome to American and western culture, including most churchians. BTW - that was NOT the culture hundreds of years ago.
The ultimate STUPIDITY is trying to replace GOD and become a god - a SHTUPID LIE which Eve believed and Adam accepted.
Without evil, there would be no need for Christ - - Evil can conspire all it wants. And it does. It conspired to bring down the King of kings himself, and in doing so it guaranteed its own defeat. And that’s SHTUPID! If that is hard to understand.......maybe you’ I WAS!
Sly as dirty rabid foxes. Come on, that old soft-shoe 9-1-1? Right, no Jewish involvement there, in the process of neo-jew-con Project for a New American Century, read, New Wailing Wall White House & Billionaire (mostly Jewish) Century.
So, how many millions have died because of Trade Center a and b and then Building 7 and then that Pentagon fun thing? How many trillions in the back pockets of Fortune 10,000 companies, and the DoD whores, Offensive Dual and Triple Use Bomb and Bullets Cartel?
Nah, the world is a battlefield, and the mind is that one too, thanks to the well, fun bar and bat mitzvahed elites, chosen god seed, the rulers of Goyim.
Stupid? Stupidier? Come on. Millions die each year of gut and treatable diseases. Millions next year, and then, of course, tens of millions in the next decade.
They have the microphone and microbiology and nanobiology and AI-VR-MR-AR down pat!
Distracted, lobotomized, dysfunctional, dellusional, diseased, and dumb-downed to the point of being fucking dirty goyim geese following the star and the david around like mutants.
I think both of them are evil and stupid, and feel so entitled and above international law.
Unquestioned feeling of power must make one stupid!
Sure happy they are revealing their true selves. Coming out of the closet as they say today.
Hard to see Israeli Embassy’s surviving anywhere.
Embassies for Genocide?
"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits"
~Einstein, I believe.
The "New York Times" has an article about the dreadful miscalculation of the IOF (formerly know as IDF) in the slaughter of 7 aid workers. This is telling. The "NYT" has not felt the need to correct its wildly inaccurate portrayal of the October 7 Hamas military incursion. Israel may be just one embassy bombing away from another "NYT" headline hand slap.
Our government (U.S.A.) exists in a bubble. The magnitude of horror necessary to pierce it is one I wish was not necessary to contemplate.
I agree the U.S. is stupid, Israel however is evil and Jews have been evil for 2000 years since the fall of their second temple. What the left calls "capitalism," and the rentier class is simply Jewish usury writ large.
I have finally been forced to accept what seems the only possible conclusion: that fundamentalist Jews and the Israeli authorities consider all Gentiles literally subhuman. That means, of course, that Jews have no moral obligations towards Gentiles; and, moreover, that God is quite happy for Jews to lie to, cheat, rob, imprison, exploit, rape, or murder Gentiles.
That assumption is the only one I know that explains the conduct of Israel and its people.
Yes. The mainline of Talmudic Jews farm us like cattle. Torah Jews and secular Jews are fine, Rabbinic Talmudic Judaism is pure evil though. The actual descendants of the old Testament Jews are the Palestinians, the AskeNAZIS are Turks who wear "Jewish" skinsuits.