Great overview.

Most essential aspects on a row.

Sorry i was a bit late in tweeting it.


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It is astounding to witness the schism between Israel and South Africa. Before the 80s they were twin outcast buddies.

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Even the American people want to secede from Washington DC .

Could be they decide to recycle the place into the dumpster and save their country.

Tables turned upon the Evil ones.

I’d say the ruling on the Genocide will go nowhere as well.

Stale justice of the Hubris Class is lacking in nerve, vitality, fresh air , and resilience as anyone normal can see the genocide in action on social media.

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I did jump at the title: had the ICC finally busted the US and Western Europe for their genocidal 18th and 19th centuries? Or is that covered by a statute of limitations? Covered by John Meacham beaming and calling slavery the Original Sin when there was one more original even, or maybe one and the same sin. Israel has now firmly joined the club, to condemn her obviously condemns the rest of the West. The permanent UN Security is the obsolete affirmation of the genocide club, laughable really, like the self appointed G7.

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Well said and good points.

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Goes without repeating and repeating and repeating, don't you know:

Paulo Kirk

Paulo’s Substack

just now

Leaders (sic) AKA leeches, well well, just try going around Inbred U K or EuroTrashLandia or Klanada or Israel or U$A with a simple sign, no wooden stake, the correct measured protest sign, with these words:

By 15-2: “The state of Israel shall take all measures to prevent the commission of genocide to Gaza.”

By 15-2: “The state of Israel shall ensure that the military not commit any acts of genocide.”

By 16-1: “Israel shall take all measures to punish all public solicitations to genocide.”

By 16-1: “Israel shall take immediate and effective measures to address adverse conditions to life in the Gaza Strip”.

By 15-2: “Israel shall take effective measures to preserve evidence of actions impacting the Genocide Convention.”

By 15-2: “Israel shall submit to the court a report of all measures taken to follow the orders of this court within one month.”

Right, of course, on a campus, you'd be told to cease and desist, and if you continued with the sign and the peace symbol on your front and back hoodies, you'd be taken down down down, Taser, cuffs, thrown to the ground, broke bones . . . . that is, except Isra-Hell.

You'd be shot by yet another version of a Nazi settler.

RE: Pepe Escobar,

The Houthis and the Genocide Convention

The ICJ decision is binding (italics mine). Yet even as the ICJ decided that Israel must “take all measures to prevent death and injury”, and provide for all Palestinian humanitarian needs (including access to food, medicine, infrastructure), what happens if Tel Aviv simply ignores the decision?

Even considering that Israel must file a report on the remedial actions within one month of the ruling, all bets are off on whether biblical psychopathy practitioners will comply.

The answer came fast. Israel’s National Security Minister Ben Gvir, a cartoonish candidate for the role of out of control psycho in a cheap horror flick, stated that “the decision of the antisemitic court in The Hague proves what was already known: This court does not seek justice, but rather the persecution of Jewish people. They were silent during the Holocaust and today they continue the hypocrisy and take it another step further.”

Psychos don’t do history. The ICJ in its current iteration was founded in 1945.

What the ICJ ruling certainly did was de facto legitimize the moral strength of the Houthis supporting “our people” in Gaza.

From the Global South’s point of view, it’s no less than appalling that an African, Ugandan judge Julia Sebutinde, opposed all the provisional measures requested by South Africa against Israel.

As the ICJ ruled that “Israel’s actions in Gaza may (italics mine) constitute genocide with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a specific ethnic group – the Palestinians”, it logically follows that US complicity with Israel amounts to US complicity in the genocide of Palestinians.

The ICJ ruling in fact indicts US, UK, Germany and other collective West members who all stated that the South African case is “without legal merit” and should be thrown out.

So it’s no wonder that a team of 47 South African lawyers is already preparing a lawsuit against the US and UK for complicity.


We are the Wailing Wall White House, full stop:


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Anyone who follows the corrupt and moraly bankrupt ICJ is no less a fool.

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Well, Golly. I guess we'll just huddle together with Gomer Pyle.

Israeli sicarios from time immemorial. This illegal satellite of shekels should go the way of the dodo.

“This expansive and open-ended interpretation of the right to self-defence threatens to destroy the prohibition on the use of armed force contained in the UN Charter, which is essential to the international rule of law. If other states were to claim the broad-based authority that the United States does, to kill people anywhere, anytime, the result would be chaos.” – Former UN Special Rapporteur on Extra Judicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions, Professor Philip Alston

On 2 January, 2024, an Israeli drone strike killed senior Hamas leader Saleh Al-Arouri in a suburb of Beirut, Lebanon. This audacious targeted killing raised concerns that the flames of war could potentially engulf more than just Palestine.

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Well your comments reveal the hatred you have for a whole country of civilized peoples. May God bring peace to your soul.

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Ahh, peace and then you are looking for my soul, too, to find that special peace . . . And what did you call them/your Un-United Inbred Britania, Civilized? Or is that the Jewish Terrorist State of Occupied Palestine you charge with civilized?!@#$

Ahh, civilization. White Man's/Woman's burden . . . oh, what a concept, Western civilization, a very good idea but never ever practiced.

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We may be the last to see it, but the American story is shown for what it is to the entire world--a deadly sham. (Noting that our arrogance is old enough to usurp the name American for ourselves despite we are but one chunk in the Americas.) So much of the anger in the US comes down to petty hostilities while clinging to the notion that IF ONLY they would kick the other team out, US greatness will then be able fulfill that longed for "pursuit of happiness." In the end, we don't know what we want but our tools of choice in that pursuit are exploitation, bullying, and legalized bribery.

[Malcolm Muggeridge found Jeffersons "pursuit of happiness" to be a most unfortunate term, which has instilled in us a false notion that it is some grabble thing over there.]

I'm with Franciscan Richard Rohr who writes, "It doesn’t matter how old we are; we all need stories to believe in. If there’s no storyline, no integrating images that define who we are or give our lives meaning or direction, we just won’t be happy. I can’t imagine I’m alone in longing for us collectively to embrace a better story, one with the power to change our hearts and minds and enliven our imaginations."

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It's not the "stories" (aka "narratives") that do the harm - arguably we do all need them. It's our unwillingness to subject our favourites narratives to the test of reality. If even one single indisputable fact or figure disproves my narrative, I must give up the narrative.

As Richard Feynman put it, "It does not matter who you are, or how smart you are, or what title you have, or how many of you there are, and certainly not how many papers your side has published, if your prediction is wrong then your hypothesis is wrong. Period".

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And this has been laid bare several times in our history, but never more so than during the tyranny of covid, and then every deception that has followed. Perhaps a sign the empire is taking its last gasps (?)

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The empire you speak about is not a country it’s the liberal mindset of tyranny which has invaded all nations. Comically you seem to believe the BRICS do not have the same mindset? Half of these countries are/were based upon the most evil of ideas called Marxism so of course they have been infected by the same sickness of tyranny. Maybe more so.

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Strongly suspect you know little about Marx, Marx’s theories, or Marxism as it was attempted to be implemented in the twentieth century.

You use the term as simple pejorative, equal in intent to an ad hominem attack.

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How did you ascertain my beliefs on BRICS?

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I listened live to the ICJ President's readout in its entirety. I also listened to Jeffery Sachs and Judge Napolitano discuss it; Alexander Mercouris' own analysis; and yesterday, an hour and half discussion hosted by Consortium News with Ray McGovern, Craig Murray, Alexander Mercouris and Francis Boyle. The two with legal backgrounds, Mercouris and Boyle, both expressed that the ICJ went as far as they could, and the court has given the Security Council, General Assembly and ICC a good deal of detail in what they rendered as a prima facia case for genocide. (Boyle pointed out as well the fact you can't declare a ceasefire with out Palestinians in the room.)

Boyle, who represented Bosnia successfully in the ICJ and has long worked on these heaviest of humanitarian claims, was himself surprised, along with Mercouris, by the detail put in the record by the Court.

Certainly, all of these voices concur that when it comes to dealing swiftly and powerfully with active genocide our institutions fail us every time. It is and always has been justice applied slowly if at all. As Boyle noted (paraphrasing), it is very difficult to watch your clients being slaughtered while you slog through the judicial process. But slog we must.

To my mind, the great failure in this isn't the ICJ, who frankly shocked me with their 15 to 2; 16 to 1; 17 to 0 decisions. It is main stream media once again carrying water for blind devotion to Israel (and war in general as some stupid solution). I pray God enough Americans and Europeans hear the deeper truth about what the ICJ actually ruled. I have my doubts, which puts the burden on the majority of the countries of the world to take action in the General Assembly, which according to Boyle, can be significant despite (almost certain) US vetos on the Security Council.

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the prediction of j.sachs is now these decisions go the the Sec. Council (abstention - hadn't even considered that an option by us/uk), where it will be veto'd; then onto the GA where "the US will be humiliated" - and, alas, so what?

Also - thought it was just australia pulling aid - because of an "israel complaint" that some members were "involved" in oct 7. But now a nice excuse for the EU/UK to do likewise? Why?

How many organisations are entirely shut down or their funding cancelled if there's suspicion of, say, corruption, by "some" individuals? The UK for example doesn't shut down orgs for any kind of corruption or bad practice - or stops funding them - even post judgements. And certainly not at the point of a "complaint" alone?

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And UNRWA is by far the largest employer in Gaza. Cutting off funding to effectively the only remaining org in Gaza just based on allegations by Shin Bet is a war crime. US/UK are not just complicit but joint partners in this genocide. Insanity beyond words. Hope their reckoning comes fast and comes furious.

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I would be wary of believing anything Wolff or the Atlantic claim to be true about Trump.

He was never the one fucking up the country.

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