Jun 13·edited Jun 13

A propos the compulsive acquisition of property, I am reminded of the old story about how some people used to catch monkeys. They put out special jars containing food the monkeys loved. Solid food, such as nuts or hard fruit. The monkey reaches into the jar, grabs a piece of fruit - but can't withdraw his hand as long as he is holding the food. A human (well, most humans outside Washington DC) would simply let go of the food, withdraw his hand, and think again. But the monkeys don't do that. They stay there until they are collected.

Lindsey Graham, a fine specimen of the kind of monkey that cannot let go, told the world what the Ukraine conflict is really about:


First Ukraine's trillions, then Russia's! Because it all really belongs to Graham and his fellow plutocrats.

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Yes, was about to post the same , this war really is "Senseless and useless." for everyone but the masters of the US political cronies, the superwealthy elite and their banking cartel wants their hands on that "10 - 12 trillion dollar minerals wealth" that Graham was toting.

People are dying in troves to fulfill greedy pockets of already uber-rich and powerful few, there's nothing lower than that.

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like. To which I would add, from my perspective, the Globalists are making a last attempt at their New World Order. The Russians and The Chinamen are standing in their way, hence a last desperate effort to defeat them.

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Rather than "multi-polar," I really like the apt description by Chas Freeman as a "multi-nodal" world--many interconnecting countries.

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Very enlightening analysis

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What comes next? According to the ancient Indo-European doctrine of the World Ages, which still exists in Hinduism, what comes next is the final and worst part of the Iron Age, the Age of Evil, in India called the "Kali Yuga." In my humble opinion, it looks as if this end phase is in the making now. The good news is that, thereafter, a new Golden Age will see the light, wherein all honest souls will be reborn.

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Russia may indeed be killing lots of Ukrainians but lots of Russians are dying too using its well-known suicidal frontal assault military tactics, aiming to capture strategically insignificant towns and villages in the Donbas. As a result, dozens of thousands of Russian soldiers lost their lives, and two years after Putin launched the invasion of Ukraine, Moscow has not achieved any of its goals.

The Russian President and his team repeatedly refused to take measures that would allow Russia to end the conflict in its favor. To this day, despite Ukrainian attacks on Russian territory, Moscow remains hesitant about striking “decision-making centers” in Kiev, and there is no political will to launch another assault on the Ukrainian capital or other strategically essential parts of Ukraine to end this war. Power is still on enough so the well healed "right" people can go clubbing in Kiev and thier houses stay lit.

Maybe slaughter is indeed the idea and it's not Senseless and useless.. Zelensky and Putin are eliminating thier young slavic patriotic men who would ordinarily resist NWO in thier respective countries.

That's what all these "not making sense" tactics, on both sides, feel like to me anyway.

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It appears to be an Axiom: Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

Napoleon Bonaparte

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China be like "WWIII? Bring it on! No way you get anywhere near us, and when you've destroyed everything and the toxic dust settles, guess who's gonna be rebuilding it? That's right, China!!!" *wink wink*

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The only way to win World War III is to prevent it.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

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