Talking about chess, Putin famously said " negotiating with Obama is like playing chess with a pigeon. The pigeon knocks over all the pieces, craps on the board, and then struts around like it won the game". 😂

It doesn't look like their chess skills have improved much since

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I wish he did say that, but it doesn't sound quite like Mr Putin's style to me. Maybe Mr Medvedev or Mr Rogozhin?

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Dunno, I read it in a Substack article a couple of days ago 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Well, thank you! Pepe is trustworthy.

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"Ukraine has enormous debt, with foreign companies having invested heavily in the country".

Splendid. I hope they all go broke when the Kiev mob stiffs them. Especially Blackrock and the vampire squid. I would particularly enjoy seeing them come, hat in hand, to Moscow to beg for a little of what they think they are owed. Mr Medvedev could be given the enjoyable task of telling them the latest addresses of Mr Zelensky and the rest of his clique - and what they can do alternatively.

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This question if off-topic but I don’t know how to write to you directly. Do you know how many Israeli airplanes have been shot down since this latest conflict began? I don’t remember reading about any such incidents. Their planes just bombed an Iran operated facility in Syria. Wouldn’t these planes be vulnerable to ground to air missiles?

I enjoy your articles. They are well informed and well written. Also, the cats are wonderful.

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