"If this is one of their goals, they are misguided. The Lebanese are not going to blame Hezbollah for the death and destruction reeked by the Zionists. Lebanese support for Hezbollah is growing not diminishing".

Exactly as the Kiev mob hoped to damage Russian civilian morale, but merely increased public support for the war - and firmer measures.

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Is it just me, or is Joe Biden coming to resemble the Emperor in "Star Wars"? All he needs is the hood.

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yes, and Nuland looks like jaba the Hut, Tim Waltz like darth vader without the helmet, on and on, Goeorge Lucas is a visionary

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Love your last line!😂

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A fantastic outcome would be if Hezbollah manages a direct hit at a chemical warfare facility in tel aviv and the israelis succumb to their own poison gas arsenal.

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They should read old Uncle Sigmund so to understand how the Zionists are programmed in their frontal lobe

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In a fully divided world, it is in the borderline state of wars you need more confusing strategies and more Winne the Puhs like Xi or Putin which has either too much people or land to cope with..

The greedy Bill Gates has too much land for his attempts to try to dehumanise us with his updates of the human genome " The graet Reset" with old diseases in new clothes mongering injections for everybody

The last thing they need is other nations problems projected on them.

Nations are like families.

Nowadays even familes tears apart in domestic civil wars.

That´s not a matter of morality or religion. It is a conseqense of being a species of two genders.

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Happy birthday !

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