Most of the Oligarchs thrown out were front men to western funds and "city of London" banks,, Rothchilds and others. As for leaders; every time the US has had a leader starting with Lincoln, we have gone to war and never in defense of the US. I read you daily and buy coffees, but I think you may be wrong on this. Hitler, Musolini,were leaders until they secured power, then......leaders yes, but where they lead to is important. As for Trump, he can only do so much. The SS USA has struck the iceberg; it will go down before a real reset can occur. Foreign policy wise, we need to give him some time for his appointees to find out the truth about Ukraine and Gaza as well as a number of nefarious workings of the CIA, DoS and DoD. Trump's first go around failed because he trusted. Now he trusts less. Maybe Putin will have to force the required reset?
Steve, I read a post elsewhere that 3/4 of Greenland population want us more than Denmark and we don't need to buy it since it can vote succession from Denmark. Just saying.
Living in the Colorado River Plateau and watching the US Gov, California, Sierra Club and others fight over water that belongs to our Delores River feeder system, I have a very good idea who is stealing the water; at least billionaires get it when they buy land. Southern California steals Colorado water because its government is pumping millions of acre feet into the SF bay to save a sardine. Who do you think is running the WEF, EU open borders? Billionaire donors link Fink, Gates, Soros. Europe is circling the drain and Europeans want to blame Trump, because the EU is run by Davos. At least our billionaires are fighting a common foe with the US. The enemy of our enemy is our friend; for now at least.
Forest Gump liked to say "stupid is as stupid does".
How very true, as the old saying says " Actions not Words". If any rational person looks at the facts. You're right, not only Presidents of America but all of the West has an whole. Haven't brought us any rulers that have achieved what Putin & Xi have achieved, for their citizens & countries benefit. Their actions speak a helluva lot louder than mostly empty words of our Western rulers. In fact it's plainly obvious our rulers have achieved to their citizens & countries detriment, policies that have negatively affected their citizens & countries.
Txs for your words. I'm looking forward to read on Leadership, interesting comparisons and develops.
But I just want to make a simple point as I'm not american: lately Russia and China have started pointing/suggesting at huge dark holes in very important events of the American recent history.
One for all the 9/11, and if those 7 pages will be declassified and published and the people really involved in that crime against their own country will be fried live on X after a quick trial, then you might hope that in the future America will have a real Leader.
And doing so you'll also solve the Satanyau problem in one go.
You can't sell lies for ever and kill or jail (Assange just to name 1) who doesn't swallow them...
Here's another quote (this one from Shakespeare) I wish people would take to heart, rather than projecting the hate bubbling in our own hearts toward others:
“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, / But in ourselves, that we are underlings.”
Most people never accept this idea, until their own life is destroyed by the fire of hatred they nourished themselves.
Good Leaders and good parents have many similarities encompassing both their management style and their final goal. Good Leaders are extremely rare (and great leaders non existent) and good parents are less scarce mainly because they truly love their wards and better understand the final goal of setting them free. A good leader is a good policy maker and a good teacher who seeks to render himself obsolete by raising citizens who no longer require his services. During the lengthy process of weaning citizens a good leader may intervene many times in an authoritative way to extinguish a crisis. But he backs off as soon as possible and continues to build systems that wean people off of government and invest them with their own personal authority whilst simultaneously weakening government authority and power over people. This process requires knowledge of the citizen culture/s for specific techniques to be tailored for effectiveness. Similarly a parent would need knowledge of his individual child to render correctly tailored services. For a great leader it is a constant push to minimize government authority and encourage the maximization of personal authority that individuals have over themselves.
Putin and Jinping are very good leaders. But will their legacy towards freedom and prosperity be sustainable? They will leave top down power structures where people expect to be governed. Benevolent governance, malevolent governance, it's just a matter of a skilled player tweaking the power structure to redirect it. Was anybody more careful about reining in governing power structures and encouraging personal liberty than America's founding fathers? And look what America turned out to be. The founding fathers shouldn't have advised Americans to overthrow a malevolent government and institute a new one they should have advised citizens to earn and own their personal authority and discard government like a chrysalis discards it's cocoon when it becomes a butterfly. Until people develop the personal responsibility to own their personal authority over themself and flat out refuse to abdicate that properly constituted authority, there will never be a sustainable civilization, and fact is there has never been one. Government should be a stepping stone, a transient mechanism, to the eventuality of no government, and if they aren't, which they are not, then we're all just going in a big circle. Way I see it at this time, being free in this world is an every man for himself affair.
{Xi Jinping did something similar in China, along with a purge of the party corruption. You can get rich in Russia and China but not at the expense of the public interest.}
You may want to include South Korea to this list as well.
Well said. Unfortunately a few of the commentators missed your point. It was Bob Woodward who stated, people know 1% of what goes on in Washington. It's more than sad people continue to fall for this mirage. Believing POTUS is actually more than just a mere face puppet. It is highly doubtful there has ever been a man more ignorant than Donald Trump who now personifies the massive decline of the USA. What an absolute disgrace.
Listen to the way he speaks to solidify just how illiterate he truly is. I think the only book he ever possibly read, was most likely a comic book. That people believe this farce is more frightening than believing Covid and the subsequent lethal injections. It's simply there for the taking.
I remember the headline of the Daily Mail they day after Bush was elected in 2004 "How can 59,054,087 people be so DUMB?" No truer words were ever spoken which is precisely what lead to Donald Trump. Obama only being slightly more intelligent (although a phenomenal charlatan and exquisite imposter) when he claimed the US had 57 States and Austria has it's own language. The verification of his ignorance is limitless as is Dubya's. Sweden and not Switzerland was the neutral one.
Elections are all about the gimmick. Bush exploited the religious zealots - Obama exploited the blacks and Trump exploited the ignorant - not only because he is one but also speaks their very language. He is clearly the best stratagem that has ever been sold. The irony being Trump truly believes all of it as the entire world laughs albeit Europe which is quickly becoming it's own laughing stock.
Trump doesn't exist. He's a myth, a total farce, a charade. This is not news he has been this way his entire life robbing from Peter to pay Paul in order to create an illusion of great wealth. If anyone truly believes his this self made billionaire story they too are just as illiterate as he is and haven't read the irrefutable evidence to the contrary. He was just fined 355 million dollars in NY for lying about his wealth. There have been many an article written exposing all of it - his sycophants would die before every accepting the truth.
Trump is in fact a businessman but a businessman of the very worst kind. People like Bezo's exploit cheap labor and tax loopholes to gain their wealth. People like Trump lie, steal, cheat and swindle filing bankruptcies and dodging taxes.
Biden and his family are small time crooks and petty criminals in comparison to Trump and his family. Trump left office in 2000 with over a billion dollars and for the first time was actually in the black whereas Obama left office with only 680 million dollars. Trump son in law Jared left with 750 million but after leaving office received 2 billion dollars from the Saudi's which is currently being investigated. Trump is all about Trump and following the money - when all is said and done he too will be pardoning everyone who was involved in all his illegalities including his own family.
Once again further solidifying the only "leader" Trump is, is a "gang leader" for baron robbers - stealing Palestine in order to give it to his Israelis buddies - this has been his scumbags son-in laws project since before 10-07-23 which is why they deliberately staged it.
Trump calls to "clean out" Gaza and move Palestinians to Egypt and Jordan
Most of the Oligarchs thrown out were front men to western funds and "city of London" banks,, Rothchilds and others. As for leaders; every time the US has had a leader starting with Lincoln, we have gone to war and never in defense of the US. I read you daily and buy coffees, but I think you may be wrong on this. Hitler, Musolini,were leaders until they secured power, then......leaders yes, but where they lead to is important. As for Trump, he can only do so much. The SS USA has struck the iceberg; it will go down before a real reset can occur. Foreign policy wise, we need to give him some time for his appointees to find out the truth about Ukraine and Gaza as well as a number of nefarious workings of the CIA, DoS and DoD. Trump's first go around failed because he trusted. Now he trusts less. Maybe Putin will have to force the required reset?
Steve, I read a post elsewhere that 3/4 of Greenland population want us more than Denmark and we don't need to buy it since it can vote succession from Denmark. Just saying.
Maybe you are correct James BUT what you are doing is forgetting the bare essentials to life on this very fragile planet.
When your water supply is cut off in the USA because it is owned by Billionaires will you support Trump taking over Greenland?
I think not.
The US is a disaster.
Every Country in the world has had to 'bow and scrape' to Imperialism.
NO more.
Living in the Colorado River Plateau and watching the US Gov, California, Sierra Club and others fight over water that belongs to our Delores River feeder system, I have a very good idea who is stealing the water; at least billionaires get it when they buy land. Southern California steals Colorado water because its government is pumping millions of acre feet into the SF bay to save a sardine. Who do you think is running the WEF, EU open borders? Billionaire donors link Fink, Gates, Soros. Europe is circling the drain and Europeans want to blame Trump, because the EU is run by Davos. At least our billionaires are fighting a common foe with the US. The enemy of our enemy is our friend; for now at least.
Forest Gump liked to say "stupid is as stupid does".
Don't worry Julian... Once Trump acquires Greenland, we'll all be fine...
as Karl Marx already wrote: America is completely judaised by accepting money as the basis for social order.
How very true, as the old saying says " Actions not Words". If any rational person looks at the facts. You're right, not only Presidents of America but all of the West has an whole. Haven't brought us any rulers that have achieved what Putin & Xi have achieved, for their citizens & countries benefit. Their actions speak a helluva lot louder than mostly empty words of our Western rulers. In fact it's plainly obvious our rulers have achieved to their citizens & countries detriment, policies that have negatively affected their citizens & countries.
Txs for your words. I'm looking forward to read on Leadership, interesting comparisons and develops.
But I just want to make a simple point as I'm not american: lately Russia and China have started pointing/suggesting at huge dark holes in very important events of the American recent history.
One for all the 9/11, and if those 7 pages will be declassified and published and the people really involved in that crime against their own country will be fried live on X after a quick trial, then you might hope that in the future America will have a real Leader.
And doing so you'll also solve the Satanyau problem in one go.
You can't sell lies for ever and kill or jail (Assange just to name 1) who doesn't swallow them...
Here's another quote (this one from Shakespeare) I wish people would take to heart, rather than projecting the hate bubbling in our own hearts toward others:
“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, / But in ourselves, that we are underlings.”
Most people never accept this idea, until their own life is destroyed by the fire of hatred they nourished themselves.
By the time we understand that not everyone can be rich or famous the planet will be long gone.
You have pro Rapist in Chief freaks on your site. Pathetic man pathetic.
Dirty, despicable, criminal, detestable leaders? All right here in United Snakes of Israel
Good Leaders and good parents have many similarities encompassing both their management style and their final goal. Good Leaders are extremely rare (and great leaders non existent) and good parents are less scarce mainly because they truly love their wards and better understand the final goal of setting them free. A good leader is a good policy maker and a good teacher who seeks to render himself obsolete by raising citizens who no longer require his services. During the lengthy process of weaning citizens a good leader may intervene many times in an authoritative way to extinguish a crisis. But he backs off as soon as possible and continues to build systems that wean people off of government and invest them with their own personal authority whilst simultaneously weakening government authority and power over people. This process requires knowledge of the citizen culture/s for specific techniques to be tailored for effectiveness. Similarly a parent would need knowledge of his individual child to render correctly tailored services. For a great leader it is a constant push to minimize government authority and encourage the maximization of personal authority that individuals have over themselves.
Putin and Jinping are very good leaders. But will their legacy towards freedom and prosperity be sustainable? They will leave top down power structures where people expect to be governed. Benevolent governance, malevolent governance, it's just a matter of a skilled player tweaking the power structure to redirect it. Was anybody more careful about reining in governing power structures and encouraging personal liberty than America's founding fathers? And look what America turned out to be. The founding fathers shouldn't have advised Americans to overthrow a malevolent government and institute a new one they should have advised citizens to earn and own their personal authority and discard government like a chrysalis discards it's cocoon when it becomes a butterfly. Until people develop the personal responsibility to own their personal authority over themself and flat out refuse to abdicate that properly constituted authority, there will never be a sustainable civilization, and fact is there has never been one. Government should be a stepping stone, a transient mechanism, to the eventuality of no government, and if they aren't, which they are not, then we're all just going in a big circle. Way I see it at this time, being free in this world is an every man for himself affair.
{Xi Jinping did something similar in China, along with a purge of the party corruption. You can get rich in Russia and China but not at the expense of the public interest.}
You may want to include South Korea to this list as well.
Well said. Unfortunately a few of the commentators missed your point. It was Bob Woodward who stated, people know 1% of what goes on in Washington. It's more than sad people continue to fall for this mirage. Believing POTUS is actually more than just a mere face puppet. It is highly doubtful there has ever been a man more ignorant than Donald Trump who now personifies the massive decline of the USA. What an absolute disgrace.
Listen to the way he speaks to solidify just how illiterate he truly is. I think the only book he ever possibly read, was most likely a comic book. That people believe this farce is more frightening than believing Covid and the subsequent lethal injections. It's simply there for the taking.
I remember the headline of the Daily Mail they day after Bush was elected in 2004 "How can 59,054,087 people be so DUMB?" No truer words were ever spoken which is precisely what lead to Donald Trump. Obama only being slightly more intelligent (although a phenomenal charlatan and exquisite imposter) when he claimed the US had 57 States and Austria has it's own language. The verification of his ignorance is limitless as is Dubya's. Sweden and not Switzerland was the neutral one.
Elections are all about the gimmick. Bush exploited the religious zealots - Obama exploited the blacks and Trump exploited the ignorant - not only because he is one but also speaks their very language. He is clearly the best stratagem that has ever been sold. The irony being Trump truly believes all of it as the entire world laughs albeit Europe which is quickly becoming it's own laughing stock.
Trump doesn't exist. He's a myth, a total farce, a charade. This is not news he has been this way his entire life robbing from Peter to pay Paul in order to create an illusion of great wealth. If anyone truly believes his this self made billionaire story they too are just as illiterate as he is and haven't read the irrefutable evidence to the contrary. He was just fined 355 million dollars in NY for lying about his wealth. There have been many an article written exposing all of it - his sycophants would die before every accepting the truth.
Trump is in fact a businessman but a businessman of the very worst kind. People like Bezo's exploit cheap labor and tax loopholes to gain their wealth. People like Trump lie, steal, cheat and swindle filing bankruptcies and dodging taxes.
Biden and his family are small time crooks and petty criminals in comparison to Trump and his family. Trump left office in 2000 with over a billion dollars and for the first time was actually in the black whereas Obama left office with only 680 million dollars. Trump son in law Jared left with 750 million but after leaving office received 2 billion dollars from the Saudi's which is currently being investigated. Trump is all about Trump and following the money - when all is said and done he too will be pardoning everyone who was involved in all his illegalities including his own family.
Once again further solidifying the only "leader" Trump is, is a "gang leader" for baron robbers - stealing Palestine in order to give it to his Israelis buddies - this has been his scumbags son-in laws project since before 10-07-23 which is why they deliberately staged it.
Trump calls to "clean out" Gaza and move Palestinians to Egypt and Jordan
Where have all the leaders gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the leaders gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the leaders gone?
Oligarchs corrupted them, every one
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Where have all the leaders gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the leaders gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the leaders gone?
Oligarchs pauperized them, every one
Oh, when will we ever learn?
Oh, when will we ever learn?
Where have all the leaders gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the leaders gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the leaders gone?
Oligarchs vilified them, every one
Oh, when will we ever learn?
Oh, when will we ever learn?
Where have all the leaders gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the leaders gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the leaders gone?
Oligarchs knaved them, every one
Oh, when will we ever learn?
Oh, when will we ever learn?
Love it. Superb.
Fucking Brain dead Trumpers and brain leeched democrats.... Amazing how circumcised Goyim and Jews are,
Raphael>. Seduced by Trump.
YOU have NO idea what is coming.
OH my Raphael.
What you completely forget is that YOUR stupid Country (whilst trying to take over the whole world) is NOW a Banana Republic.
Everything in the USA is owned by BIG corporations.
When they cut off the water supply (like Los Angeles) what are you going to do?
Dig a well. NO your water and food is owned!
Raphael: Good luck Raphael. I have been in a Civil War. You have just told starving people where to go.
When people are starving they do NOT care about you or your politics. Grow up.
When people are starving, like they will soon in Europe, they rise.
But they can be defeated, when the real rulers expected it.
In Europe the signs are they didn't expect it.
So... Fasten your seatbelts. It'll be a wild ride.