The only thing which "might", and I mean might wake up Americans is for them to be struck with missiles on the way to work in the morning. None of us have ever experienced "war" where we live. The people just do not care about military losses, of course, they will never admit it. 9/11 scared some people, (of course we never learned the truth) but that was different than War at home. I really believe that Americans will only demand a change IF they become poor, I mean really poor like if we lose the dollar as the world currency OR if we ever experience the terror of suffering random strikes on our homes or businesses. You know the things our Govt. has forced other countries to tolerate for decades.

I have noticed that a bigger majority of people are totally shutting off the political nonsense. Most people have realized that our 'vote" does not matter. We have seen without any deception at all that our politicians answer to the Jewish lobby, and the military and pharma lobbies. Nothing else matters to the whores in Washington.

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Under Trump, i think, that the collapse would be slower. (unless he got tangled in some large scale pro-Israel military action in the middle east, which is possible)

If he indeed is going to reduce (or remove, as he boasted somewhere) income taxes, that would largely benefit the regular people who would have more money at hand. Of course unless the rampant inflation is tackled, that would likely not mean much.

Harris is just totally brainless, she reminds me of most of the EU political elite, nearly none of them seem to have any original thoughts - perfect puppet, i think the robbery of wealth and unjust persecution of people will get into high gear if she is 'elected'

After all, someone in the 'deep state' still is afraid of Trump's unpredictability and fears he may stray from the path, Butler events would have not otherwise occurred...

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Things are so overwhelming now it won’t matter who is President . It’s a disaster, the train wreck a farmer in America mentioned 10 years ago.

It’s arrived.

One must remember over 40% of Americans don’t vote having giving up on the “ democracy idea” of Congress.

One can say with Obama ‘s theme of hope coupled with The JOY tm of Harris many Americans will be viewing this election with a hopeless joy , and ready to survive as best they can.

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The 40% are right. There is no democracy. So why take the time and trouble to vote. If you DO vote, write in "Chappy". Kibble for everyone!

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"Imagine thousands of America’s sons and daughters coming home in flag draped caskets".

In the case of the thousands on carriers and other warships, they would not come home at all. They would lie, burned beyond recognition, at the bottom of the sea - if the sharks haven't eaten them.

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In those days, I had a Fulbright to Harvard's PhD program. I dropped out to bear witness to the reality of war. I had no idea what that reality was -- what reality was in general, inf fact. I learned quickly the difference between words and action, ideas and facts. I think it changed me - and continues to do so. It is one reason I write these articles.

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Good point. 21st Century Americans haven't experienced war. I was a journalist in SE Asia during the Vietnam War and a lot of my friends were vets. There are fewer and fewer of them alive today. I still dream about those days. And they aren't good dreams.

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this is 2024 not 1964 the Dems out of touch with reality

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Almost 78. Two weeks. ... But I am Canadian. And Justin promises free euthanasia for people like me.

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What. I 'm 78. I thought 1963 was last year. Oh.....oh.,.. :)

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Let's hope Jill Stein will win

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I wish.

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