Oh. That dirty cabal of supremacists. Cold calculating Jewish elites.

Here. From that armchair NYC Jewish writer, Sy Hersh. Whew. He too is cold. Calculating. Just another bat mitzvah exceptionalist.

All about Adolph Netanyahu's fascist supremacy. The Jews support Samson Option. Gangrene is their creed. Amputation and decapitation the only solution for these Antony Zyklon Blinken types.

Quoting Hersh,

One way to understand the dramatic events of the past week, and the restitution of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s political standing in Israel, is to recall a famous statement of Admiral Ernest King, the US chief of naval operations throughout the Second World War. As the war neared its end, so the story goes, King was told by an aide that a group of reporters wanted an interview with him. “When it’s over,” he replied, “tell them who won.”

It could be Netanyahu’s motto today. I was surprised to be told recently by a well-informed official in Washington that things had changed dramatically in the war in Gaza—in Israel’s favor. There is no longer a possibility or a need for a ceasefire in Gaza, the official said. I further learned that ceasefire talk had been muted because, obviously, there is now a renewed Israeli war against the Hezbollah militia in Lebanon. Amid the continuing carnage, Bibi’s standing inside Israel has soared as the death toll in Lebanon has risen. ...

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Thanks for writing the truth and also keeping our spirits up. Age is just another number. From a 79 year old.

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> To deal with a volley of any size, Iron Dome, which is about 80% effective, must fire off two batteries.

That is the official number, which very much depends on the target and it's capabilities. I suspect this 80% number applies to the homemade Palestinian rockets from two decades ago, made from water pipes and rocket candy propellant (KNO3 and table sugar).

Did you know that the famous US Patriot system did shoot down exactly zero SCUD missiles during Iraq war ? All the alleged successes were just propaganda.

And the Israeli AD-systems are just somewhat modified clones of the Patriot.

> As you can see, they are inexpensive and can be produced quickly.

That "ALMA Research and Education Center" picture is not correct.

It is not that simple. The old MLRS rocket motors ("Katyusha") cannot be reused, because they have no means of vector control, which is the actuator stage of the guidance section. Which would be either adjustable fins, or steering paddles in the exhaust section.

Ballistic rockets and missiles have no such controls, which constitutes their simplicity, robustness, and low cost.

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Happy Early birthday Julian! 🎉🥳

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Happy birthday my friend

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13 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs ago

Nice article, but...

"However most of these rockets appear to be unguided, without precision homing, as was the case with the missile fired at Tel Aviv the other day"

Nope, sorry... that's not correct. Hezbollah has provided the specifications of Qader-1, the tactical short-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile fired at Tel Aviv, and it features "guidance systems", as I reported in my article about it, citing Al Mayadeen: https://geopolitiq.substack.com/p/hezbollah-targeted-mossad-hq-in-tel

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A libra! Like Vladimir...ahahah!

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Even without depletion or degradation of the Iron Dome, Hezbollah has enough armaments to inflict SERIOUS damage... side note, Happy Birthday!


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