No need to apologize, Julian. You explained it well. Words can easily be misunderstood. Which is why dial9gue and criticism are essential to reach Plato's 'higher hypothesis' of reason.

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I understood it, but thank you for articulating it so well.

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In the end we, Goyim, will own all the biological and educational and cultural diseases of the Chosen people as they carry through with their mass mental sterilization pogroms.


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I named my dog "Mercy", because I had read that when you name your dog, you should consider that you will be CALLING and murmuring that word for (hopefully) a long time. In my dictionary: "Mercy implies compassion that forbears punishing even when justice demands it." I remember being frequently punished as a child, but I don't my offenses. I remember when my country (US) did away with mercy in our courts by legislating mandatory sentences, thus filling and overfilling bigger & bigger prisons....

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I love your thinking never banal: complex but clearly articulated

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You my friend are correct! I agree wholeheartedly and could nor would apologize. You are entitled to your honest observations and opinions. I see you as a courageous warrior in your efforts to speak the truth as some have been horribly punished.

Got bless you as you continue on your journey. Be safe my friend 🙏🏼



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he can go fuck himself

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Lizard man 🦎

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Don't insult Reptilians

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