Your analysis is looking more prescient by the day!

The Zionists social attribute is they don’t care who they kill is seen by all as you say. One realizes they don’t care about the planet which gave them birth.

Their coming for their citizens next with censorship legislation . It’s in their genes.

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so...you are a jew hater

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I don't think Loon is talking about Jews when he says it's in their genes. He is not anti-Semitic. He's talking about Zionists who ideologically in most respects are identical to Nazis. People who don't care about others or their world exhibit sociopathic /narcissistic behavior. In Paleo societies, these people were immediately identified and forced out of their societies – and therefore out of the breeding pool. With the Neolithic Revolution after 10,000 BCE, "civilizations" arose , which often depended upon violence to maintain hierarchical order. So sociopaths got a chance to multiply -- and genetic profiles changed. At present, genetic sociopaths and psychopaths (it's hard to distinguish the two) are estimated at around 4 to 6%. But in certain professions, sociopathic behavior is as high as 30%. Those professions are law, politics, business, etc.. Given Zionist ideology, one would expect a higher prevalence of sociopathy as a result of both nature and nurture.

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ususal -semitic mambo jambo

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No, he's not. What are you then?


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Blood thirsty sacrosanct terrorist apartheid state of ultimate victims. When Gaza is bombed, they cry out in pain! Mozeltov cocktail! Illegal invaders, in District of Corruption and the Middle East. Delusions of grandeur? I hear it can be genetic. Arbeit Macht Shekelberg.

U.S.S.A. is an evil, fascist, war-loving, sodomy-promoting, gender-confused, hedonistic, satanic, pro-abortion, pornified, anti-family, nazi-loving, anti-Christ nation.

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"Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews' Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100 million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet" (Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben Judah, 1869).

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Dear Julian, I have tried to leave you a donation/buy a coffee, and nothing works. Every attempt (with different cards) gets rejected. My cards are not the problem. Something is not working on your end. It is a shame, because I really would like to help you. Thank you for all your very informative research pieces. Best.

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Got five coffees from one person today so the system is working now – even if it wasn't when you tried.

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I clicked on the link myself and it went right to my buymeacoffee page. Maybe I'm on the US sanctions list..

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That's strange. Substack subscriptions don't work. But BuyMeACoffee was working. Last coffee was Nov. 8. It is possible there was a glitch with Stripe .. It's past midnight here in Tokyo so I will check tomorrow in my head is clearer. Thank you for wanting to support. I wonder if anybody else has tried to buy a coffee and failed?

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Date error in title. Should say Oct 7, not Oct 17.

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OOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo--you're right.

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Thanks for this. Corrected.

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