Julian writes, "Support Jill Stein."

Dr. Stein has my full hearted support. Thanks for plugging the one sane candidate in the race!

Criminally she is not in my state's ballot. If research shows that my write-in vote for her will not count then I'll be sitting this 'election' out.

The duopoly needs to be removed from their chokehold on ballot line access in every state.

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"Two flavors of ice cream-- but still ice cream. Enjoy your salmonella!"

The best analogy yet for the debacle--I mean, the "debate" so far.

Luckily, I skipped the ice cream with the sociopaths the other day and listened to Jill Stein's post debate commentary instead. Much more informative and uplifting: https://www.youtube.com/live/jvCB-OHOC5k (and is attractive to US voters who are leaving the uniparty in droves).

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"Imagine if our so-called "democracies" functioned on the basis of mutual respect and honest dialogue and dialectic".

That would indeed be wonderful! But in reality we have to deal with a small but decisively influential percentage of people who are much less interested in truth - or even mutual respect - than in huge piles of money and the power to make everyone obey them cringingly.

To those people, mutual respect and honest dialogue are merely irritating - though not insuperable - obstacles to getting what they want. Julian Assange has just experienced what they would like to do to everyone who gets in their way.

Somehow, in the "enlightened" West, we have managed to construct political and economic systems that unerringly select those antisocial people - who would be generally avoided if not expelled in any sensible society - and put them in charge of everything. Largely because most of the broad masses actually admire them.

That could be gradually put right if we educated our children correctly. Unfortunately, those very nasty people also control the educational systems... And although they are morally horrible, they can be (and often are) very clever, with a very specialised kind of rat-like cunning. The human brain can accomplish a lot when it is freed from all the duties associated with morality, culture, and mutual respect.

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