I had a realization this week. The ultimate play of Zionism is the entire take over of the U.S. once it sacrifices the U.S. in its military (mis)adventures in the Middle East. Israel needs to provoke a war with Hezbollah and Iran, in order to get the U.S. military/government involved. China and Russia will not allow Iran and Hezbollah to lose, as it destroys the multi-polar world now replacing the unipolar U.S. dominated world. The Zionists continue to position themselves in the highest offices of political power in the U.S. They are to a large degree the owners and controllers of many vital industries in the U.S.: media, banking and finance, pharmaceutical, entertainment, advertising, and education. When the State of Israel ceases to exist (within 10 years) the U.S. will be their real prize.

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As usual, excellent post and wonderful last paragraph. I forward your posts to my daughter who loves cats. She has five rescues but lost her 7 year old tomcat to cancer yesterday. I feel today's post is providence.

By the way, the Southfront link doesn't work.


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As ever, thank you. I am so sorry for your daughter. I know how it feels. Animals helped me learn to be human--and to avoid becoming like a lot of my dysfunctional family. To me, animals--when they are allowed to "be" -- represent what is natural-- a fundamental honesty. If we care for them, they care for us. The bipedal not very sapient monkeys we call "homo sapiens" are more complicated. Ultimately, however, it is in our nature to care for others and be cared for. Thank you as ever for your comments. Especially the personal touch.

I fixed the link!

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Thank you too. Beste.

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