Having listened to several credible sources in regard to the Israeli attack on Iran, it appears to have been another powder puff and handbag slap just like the prior one.

It appears that very little real damage was done, and that most of the missiles were intercepted by Iranian air defences, also to be read as Russian air defence systems, which despite the hype about Israel's "Iron Dome", the Russian systems appear to be the best available on the globe.

Israel, just like the US have shown that they are Loud Mouthed Cowards, not capable of fighting a real army, but rather prefer to kill defenceless women and children, while they attempt to talk and threaten real armies to death.

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Response to Julian MacFarlane's "Israel Loses Again"

I initially wondered why Israel would opt for what would likely be a lame attack similar to April, where most missiles would be intercepted and little hits achieved. I suspected that Israel would use Jerichos and their submarines which would avoid the overflight and range issues. If it attempted an air attack, it would need hundreds of planes and direct US assistance - which I assumed would be forthcoming.

As it turns out, according to Alastair Crooke on Judge Napolitano's Youtube show on Monday, Israel DID intend a massive air attack of three waves. What actually happened, allegedly according to Israeli media sources, is the first wave ran into an "unknown AD system over Tehran", as Crooke and the Israelis put it, which painted the supposedly "stealthy" F-35s which were intended to penetrate deep into Iranian air space and take out the Iranian air defense so the subsequent waves could also penetrate deep. This is called SEAD - Suppression of Enemy Air Defense.

So the initial wave panicked and fired their missiles, which were GPS guided so easily spoofed by the Russian and Iranian ECM. Which is why they didn't hit much except a couple air defenses and some abandoned buildings at the Parchin complex - which is a military facility, not a nuclear facility. Then they turned and ran.

The second and third waves were called off since without suppressed Iranian defenses those waves would be sitting ducks for the effective Iranian AD. By the way, it's apparently still not confirmed that Russia supplied the S-400 AD system to Iran. Russia did previously provide several S-300 systems - and Iran has its own indigenously developed S-300 equivalent.

So with the attack a more or less complete bust, Netanyahu opted to simply "declare success", knowing the Israeli public wouldn't understand the situation and the Western press would tout Israel's "great success."

In the same vein, Israeli Defense Minister Gallant is now claiming that Israel has accomplished its goals in southern Lebanon, supposedly having eliminated thousands of Hezbollah troops and missile launchers and Hezbollah is running.

Needless to say, that's a crock... In reality, Israel is taking worse casualties than it ever took in the 2006 conflict - but for the same reasons: the competence of Hezbollah and its prepared defenses and the incompetence of the reserve-based Israeli army. The hit on the Golani Brigade in its dining hall at dinner time was a real shock. Daily Israeli casualties are estimated to be 20-80 killed and wounded.

Now reportedly Netanyahu has suggested to Washington that Israel will abandon its southern Lebanon mission if the US would impose an air and naval and ground blockade on Lebanon "so that Hezbollah can not rearm" (remember, Gallant claims Hezbollah is already defeated, to support Netanyahu's claim that all Israel needs now is to prevent "rearming Hezbollah".)

Of course, any such US "blockade" would be instantly attacked by Hezbollah in the air, at sea and on land, resulting in forcing the US to enter the war against Hezbollah - which is exactly what Netanyahu wants.

We will now have to wait and see if the neocons still have enough clout on Biden and Harris - note: Harris is not yet President, so it doesn't matter what she thinks - to get the demented Biden to order the blockade. Or whether the Pentagon can poke enough holes in the neocon plan to forestall it.

As for the latter, the Pentagon is almost certainly divided between those who want payback for the Beirut Marine barracks bombing and who are over-confident of US military capability, and those who understand that attacking Hezbollah opens the door for the US-Iran war inevitably. And even some of those latter probably think the US can "defeat" Iran - which it can't.

What will happen is the US will become bogged down in Lebanon, and then since the narrative is that "Iran is arming Hezbollah, so we have to take out Iran" - which has already been said numerous times by various lunatics like Senator Graham - the Congress will authorize that.

And then we're off to the races, with both Russia and China assuring Iran that they will not let it fall - even assuming the US could make Iran fall, which it can't short of nuking Tehran. Then the question will also be will Israel resort to nuking Tehran?

Israel, for its parts, assumes that once the US enters the war, the pressure from Hezbollah will be off Israel and it can then finish its genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. Then once that's done, Israel goes back to being a tourist trap, seizes the gas off the Gaza and Lebanese coasts, and also benefits from being a Mediterranean trade hub - and gets rich. Your typical Jewish wet dream.

As I like to say: "That Ain't Gonna Happen."

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The Israelis could only field about 15 F35s, which don’t really have the range to reach Iran, except with refueling. In any case, an F35 cannot carry air ballistic missiles internally and with them hung externally a long with fuel tanks, its “stealth” is non existent. Of course even without the external ordinance, Russian and Chinese radars can detect these aircraft. The only really capable aircraft are F15’s — and the Israelis can field 40 to 50. The Israelis have lots of F16s, but range is an issue.

Reports are that the Iranians did not use their most advanced AD assets because a.) they realized this was a “test” with the Americans trying to figure out their capabilities before a more serious strike b.) they knew that second tier AD as more than adequate..

So, the Americans /Israelis revealed their attack systems. They did minimal damage. Full Iranian capabilities are still hidden.

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I assume the F-35s - if they were actually involved - were refueled.

Also, check this out: The Israelis have modified their F-35s to use the SPICE bomb which converts an unguided air drop bomb into a guided bomb. From Wikipedia:

The "SPICE" ("Smart, Precise Impact, Cost-Effective") is an Israeli-developed,[1] EO/GPS- guidance kit used for converting air-droppable unguided bombs into precision-guided bombs. The featured guidance system is a derivative of the respective system used in the "Popeye" (AGM-142 Have Nap) air-to-surface missile. The "Spice" family of guided bombs are a product of an Israeli company Rafael Advanced Defense Systems.[3] It achieved initial operational capability in 2003, in Israeli Air Force F-16 squadrons.


It's range is only about 60km, although there are variants with up top 150km range.. OTOH if the Israelis were assuming these were actually "stealthed" - and then found out they weren't - it would agree with Crooke's report that they intended to get close in "stealth" and then use these but once the stealth was lost, they just fired them and ran. These bombs are GPS guided, and presumably the Iranians or Russians spoofed the GPS - which IIRC is already messed up over the region due to the supposed Russian Murmansk EW system which is either in Syria or Iran (or an Iranian equivalent.)

Also I think Andrei Martyanov mentioned Iran had a long-range radar system that could detect approaching aircraft at great distances.

While the Wikipedia article does not mention F-35s, but reports indicate it was to receive the SPICE system as well as the Delilah cruise missile which has a 250km range.

Delilah (missile)


See these articles:

Unstoppable: You Won't See Israel's F-35I Adir Stealth Fighter Coming

According to reports, the Israeli-bound F-35Is received the Rafael Spice EO/GPS guided bomb and the Israel Military Industries Delilah man-in-the-loop-controlled cruise missile.


Let’s Talk About The One-of-a-kind F-35I Adir Test Aircraft The Israeli Air Force Has Just Received


So Crooke's story is plausible regardless of what aircraft were used.

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Thank you. The details come out now.

I think this is about it. And i do not see a path around reality for the Zionist Cult in Palestine. Iran did even exterminate a "Terrorist incursion" from Azerbaijan in the North, which 'had' some good ties with the Regime in Tel-Aviv, but are now going towards BRICS, next to Iran... Just saying.


Not only AD, but also Security Attack defences... With the help of Putin...

shortly after the Iranian Strike on October 1st, i said the Zionist Cult would probably try to bomb a missile factory, as they did indeed. But they believe in wonders, so they planned strike 2 + 3 but wisely withdrew them after what they saw happen with the first wave...

The end is near for the Zionist Cult. They might even be forced to change their name (or hang Satanyahu), after what they did to the Palestinians and Lebanese...

Just saying.


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Oh, the elephant bar mitzvah monsters in the room.

Century of the Jew. They have big and asymetrical plans, and it's the Fink, man, the Larry Mother Fucking Black Heart Jew FINK.

They all SUPPORT Israel's scorched earth plan, the parking lot plans, the colonial perverts moving into Gaza, with skull caps and Woody Allen Porn Photos.

Fuck. War Mongers 'r Us.


Speaking of their fucking values:

Unraveling the Epstein-Chomsky Relationship

Recent revelations that the renowned linguist and political activist met with Jeffrey Epstein several times have surprised and confused many. Why was Epstein interested in meeting with Noam Chomsky? And why did Chomsky agree to meet him despite his past? The answer may surprise you.

Jews 'r Us/USA.


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Interesting question is why Israel participated in this charade when it's obvious that it - and the AIPAC/neocons in the US -have been single-mindedly looking hard for an excuse to drag the U.S. into an all-out war with Iran. Who put the brakes on and why?

I'm sure it wasn't Netanyahu. If it was the Biden Administration, was it just the Democrats telling Netanyahu we need to get past the election without going to war or was it a judgement by the Pentagon that a war would be disaster even after the election?

Either way, but especially the second reason, raises serious questions about the common narrative that AIPAC and Netanyahu have unbreakable control over U.S. foreign policy. And that's another way it seems to be a loss for Israel.

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Last paragraph (unless it's irony) doesn't make sense.

Unless we are all sheep/uneducated citizens of the great USA some of us know USA IS now owned by Zionists.

Why is this a loss for Israel?

They have a whole county full of sheep.

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If the Zionists had full control of the U.S. government, Netanyahu would have attacked Iran's nuclear sites as he has been wanting to do for years to preempt Iran's ability to become a nuclear power and to draw in the U.S. to win his war with Iran with American blood. He didn't do that and instead he heeded Biden's warning not to attack Iran's nuclear sites or oil industry. Why did he heed Biden's warning when he has ignored all previous warnings from the U.S.? Apparently because Biden meant it and backed it up with a real threat to withdraw support, AIPAC or not. Maybe because the "deep state" or whoever actually runs the U.S. (and Biden/Harris) is not actually under the control of AIPAC or Mossad and no longer finds Israel and its current suicidal activities useful or beneficial to American corporate interests. Or maybe because Biden and the Democrats just don't want to lose this election for the sake of Bibi's delusions, especially when Bibi's been supporting Trump all along anyway. The Zionists have a lot of influence with Congress and the media, but I think they just found out they overplayed their hand. (They forgot the reality that Israel's ability to take on Iran (and the world) depends entirely on their usefulness to U.S. interests.) The "deep state" corporate interests don't much listen to Congress or the media or even the people when its core interests are sake, so we should not be surprised what happens when Israel threatens to make itself a liability to the U.S. and not an asset.

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Thank you...

Maybe the real power behind the Deep State, AIPAC, the Neocons, Satanyahu, The Straussians and the MIC control all of these "Proxies" ?

A millennium old movement based on Satanist rituals, grown from the power of Gold ? The Golden Calf...

Just saying.



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Actually two Iranian soldiers were killed according to Iran so it is not an insignificant raid.

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Is this irony?

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If Iran doesn’t respond as they said they would no matter how small the incursion was then the Israeli/American propaganda war has won. Why would Iran legitimize this ?

It feels rather weird the ongoing genocide isn’t a issue in the “Conversation”

I’d say Israel will be hit hard.

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The USA is still living in the past. You can hear/see this from the rhetoric of the so -called leaders in the USA.

The world has moved on.

Because of lack of diplomacy and the understanding of different cultures.the USA is stuck in a time warp.

They are hated by much of the world. So many countries have been invaded by USA/ coup d'etats especially in S. America.

BRICS is coming and the USA is busy ignoring this fact.

I would say that the US Zionists and Israel will be hit hard.

It will give you the chance to learn about war and what it does to people....keep shopping!

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But for Europe (where i happen to be typing this just after Winter-time started, so you might say i typed it in an hour that does not exist any more) we are just saying Goodbye to the Evening land, going slowly under...



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I am in Europe too........going under....yes we are.

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By launching this strike, Israel is handing the initiative back to Iran. Time is now on Iran's side-- it can take its time to prepare its AD systems and fortify its nuclear facilities etc, while it's Israel's turn to wait for a response that could take place anytime.

Israel can't be that stupid, to do something that is so inconsequential to its objectives which would hand the initiative back to Iran. What is it really up to?

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Thank you Julian...

It is in the news, so...

Shortly after the Iranian 200 missile revenge strike on October 1 there was a media discussion too.

I warned to drop that, because its all hot air. The Zionist Empire has no power and no way to strike Iran really, without causing their own collapse. There apparently are still some powers in the Deep State who understand this.

In stead, focus on the really important happenings and non-happenings in Ukraine, i said.

Will there be Long-range missiles in Ukraine ? Will there be NATO (US) Boots on the ground in Ukraine ? Those are the questions that matter.

There are 3 possibilities for that (or combinations):

1. A Baltic/Arctic Front. (Finland + Arctic Navy + Kaliningrad/Königsberg)

2. A Dnieper Front (along the river from Kiev to Kherson) with many Polish troops.

3. An Odessa Bulwark to keep the Black Sea coast, with supply via the Black Sea, Romania and Moldova.

Putin was well aware of this a long time ago. France would have played a huge role in the 3. possibility, he leaked. Macron seems to have given up.

Because of the Prime Strategic importance of Odessa both for the Zionist Empire as for Russia, 3. rises to the top.

So, the chances being ~30% probability during a few months (lower now) would severely hinder Russia's current tactical and strategic targets.

So Putin thought: when they mingle in the Ukraine Civil War, others can do the same...

So we come at North Korea. A huge army, well armed, without recent experience in modern wars.

So recently the Duma accepted the North Korea as Ally, meaning both could/would assist each other in defence of their interests...

While the talks went on (a few months), already some thousands of Korean Soldiers were trained in cooperating with the Russian Army and trained on modern Drone-wars and other tactics.


The table turned (a bit): no NATO-boots on the Kiev-ground it seemed...

But in the meantime the Donbass Front is collapsing so the next step has to be decided.

That could be one of two:

1. From Kursk going to Sumy and from there to Kiev. While the Donbass forces would go in a broad front to the Dnieper and the North (Kharkov) and exterminate all resistance there.

2. From South Donbass going to Zaporizhia + Dnipro and establish a bridgehead on the West of the Dnieper river. From there go to: Transnistria (cut off the main supply line towards North Ukraine).

- to Kherson (Protecting the ZNPP.) This seems to be what the Kiev intelligence thinks and the pro-Russian "drone mappers)"

- to Nikolaiv, to start the Northern Siege of Odessa.

This is then supported by cutting off the NATO bulk-ship supply line from the Black Sea (4-5 ships sunk already) and establishing a bridgehead (Naval/Para invasion, with support from Transnistria), South of Odessa, to cut completely the NATO main supply line from Romania (via Black Sea, Danube, by rail to Moldova then cross the border to Odessa by train and go to the North, Nikolaiv-Kiev).

Result: Odessa in a Cauldron, Kiev without Supply from NATO, No more shipping of Grain/Corn and Sunflower oil to the west. And full control of Naval + Aerospace over the Black Sea and cutting off Romania from supporting Ukraine via its Airbases full of F16s.


I am not a good writer, so you may need to read some pieces twice... Sorry for that...

Have a nice day


PS. My Tweet about the subject:


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Very good analysis. Most analysts ignore the importance of Odessa and control of the Black Sea when in fact control of this area is crucial to Russia.

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It appears that Russia has been reluctant to take Odessa, despite professing on several occasions to it being a "Russian City".

My perspective has been that continued Ukrainian/ Western aggression and mediums of attack on Crimea or Russia have slowly changed the Russian perspective of what they will do next, and the threat to Transnistria could very well be the deciding factor on whether or not the Russians take Odessa, in order to form a land corridor stretching to Transnistria.

The Ukraine and its allies have shown that they are very good at applying one dimensional self- destruction strategies, somehow thinking that these will do damage to Russia, with Kursk being a prime example, in addition to them letting Boris the clown talk them out of a peace agreement which would have kept the Ukraine in tact.

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Thank you.

You could be right there.

But the prime military target was to rescue Donetsk City from its bombardments, free the whole of Donbass from the NAZI's and protect Crimea and the Sevastopol Naval Base for the control of the Center of the Black-Sea and Russia's South-West weak 'underbelly'.

So when they had the choice of being vulnerable with a long frontline or being a fortress with a short and deep Surovikin defence line, they had to drop Kherson (and Odessa) and Kharkov.


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Yes, I am aware of their priorities, and it appears that the next priority in to reach the Dnieper and create a natural border before embarking on any other sidetrack escapades.

Taking Odessa, the third largest Ukrainian city would also require large volumes of manpower and materiel resources, which would turn the situation into a Russian version of Kursk, which they are smart enough to avoid.

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That is correct.

My suggestion was NOT to storm Odessa (and destroy it), but to cut it off from the North and from the South and so create a Cauldron and wait.

Preventing the Empire to create a bulwark with missiles there with a good connection over sea by severing that.

Take a look at the detailed map and see all the waterways (defence-lines) that protect attacks from the North/East., coming from the Nikolaiv direction.

We will see what Putin will do. Currently it looks like 67.5% probability of going the Zaporizhia direction... Not Sumy.


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