The Western media have spread all sorts of stories about Putin. However, passport documents show Putin's mother's ethnicity as Jewish. She is Russian by citizenship, of course. Under Jewish law that makes Putin Jewish. https://www.jewworldorder.org/putin-is-a-jew-documents-from-the-presidents-biography-confirm-rumours/ MInd you, this has been disputed on the Internet. (as everything is). That said, Putin's ethnicity is of no consequence, -- he is a Russian nationalist. Attacking Putin as a Jew is a no-no in the Western media, of course. Attacking him as a "thug" (aka Russian N***r) is a yes-yes.

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Many short surnames ending with -in, as opposed to -ov or Ukrainian -ko, are suspected of Jewish origin. Not proven, but suspected. Rybin, Dokin...

The story of someone lying his surname was Putin to avoid being known as Rasputin is... hardly believable. If you need to hide your name, you would do a better job. Folk history or outright BS.

That said, Spiridon does not sound a Jewish name to me.

Compare it to Chernomyrdin's father's patronimic.

Putin's face definitely does not look slavic, but more of pale nordic type (jemaitis, etc) that fiery black southern semites.

Shelom is old Russian for helmet. While "Schlomo's son" is plausible, it is not the only thinkable one.

And even if true what should it mean? Surname were there for few centuries, Galakha traces jewishness by mothers, while surname are most often inherited by fathers. So if somewhere centuries ago there was some Jew Schlomo, what part of his blood could be traced by Galakha to this woman Maria? Anyone's guess.

What blood mixed in that mongrel Putin is anyone's guess. But hey, after all the turmoils Russia was through since 1914 - that is the norm there probably, not pure and traceable bloodlines.

But if he's a Jew then perhaps untypical one, both by appearance and by his parents misisng wealth.

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Where do you get this idea from that Putin is "half-Jewish"? — not that it matters to me, but to many it does: to those who believe that Jews are Untermenschen and need to be exterminated. I have seen this "accusation" that Putin is part Jewish before. He is not. The idea that Putin is part Jewish seems to have cropped up only recently. I have lived in Russia for 30 years, by the way. I am not Russian. I am not a Jew either. I have never seen or heard statements here that Putin is "half-Jewish". If he were, such an anti-Semitic attack most certainly would have been made here long before now.

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Also, thank you for this comment. It is helpful.

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My first time on this Substack as well. It was very informative. I’m not saying I believe or agree with it all. I think we would be crazy to just swallow anything. But eventually every little piece counts. And is there ever any such thing as a fact? Never thought so.

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If you are not familiar with the book The Faces Of The Enemy I would recommend it.


First post I've read at this Stack and I tend to lurk somewhat before commenting in any way. Please accept my compliments on this excellent post, instant sub, look forward to reading, and engaging, more.

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