Everyone seems to sell the attrition part down the river in a tide of military this and that. The only way to bring down a giant is one bite at a time.

Great job of making it so clear.

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Very insightful and useful, Julian - thank you!

I learned some time ago that all those American truths I was taught was Bernaysimism Inc. - been going on for over 100 years at least and its adherents are almost impossible to convert. Hell, they're absolutely convinced of their own righteousness - both secularists and churchians.

BTW - I also learned in the last 20 years that discovering truth is always a PROCESS - never an end state for us mortals - as 'Prove all things and hold on to what is good' from the Bible shows.

If anyone wants to pursue more of what I've discovered - www.crushlimbraw.com - but it's only a beginning and I promise we might take some wrong turns at times. However, as long as we put our egos in our back pocket and continue the pursuit - by God's grace we'll get back on track! That's guaranteed not by me, but our Savior Himself.

And keep writing, my friend - you're needed!

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A noticeable difference between the West’s socially exclusive biology then only to one kind of approved humanity and watching the parrot, cat, Julian sociality of life on the planet kind of in a cosmos.

A difference in our social biology! Cosmic versus the narcissistic humanoid.

Guess who wins.

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Yes , a creative process it is which requires acceptance of who your enemy is with the ability to think , meaning outside the social norms. Observe the unseen do to speak of what is yet to happen.

None of which the West does in its social biology relegating the cosmos/ life to an accident.

Go slow wins.

Glad you’re thinking outside the norm Julian with your parrots, cats for company!

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15

Great !

A Follow-up of the Putin interview, digging even a bit deeper.

There is something worrying me...

I have the impression that the NATO's hidden Main Strategic target of the Ukraine operation is the Black Sea, NOT Kiev, NOT Donbass.

This is suggested by the Secret but in my eyes obvious NATO-plan that is executed slowly in a series of Special Operations with all the expensive knowledge and technology of the NATO-Empire (CIA+MI6), is to damage Russia in the Black Sea.

A very Strategic target, it would expose Russia's South-West underbelly and its connection to open sea and Iran (The Caspian Sea).

Having Crimea would rob Russia of its main Naval Base and provide a US-ally to set up a Navy there, which would draw Türkiye (Bosporus) back in the US-influence...

From the first days of the war, the Russian Amphibious troop transport ships were primary target and Russia started with only 3, of which 1 was damaged very early and the two others have been attacked using months of work and special ops, with Spy-Drones and Satellite info. They even sacrificed a whole Patriot system to support 2 British Storm Shadow missiles to attack and sink one.

The reason for this expensive plan was in my eyes to Tactically prevent Russia to invade from the sea on the Black Sea coast South of Odessa and open a defensible front north towards Odessa meanwhile cutting the NATO-Supply from Rumania to Ukraine and establishing total control over the Black Sea.

A Russian Attack over the Dnieper River South-West towards Odessa would have to cross several rivers and would have difficulty for its supply over the Dnieper and would be exposed in its Right-Flank from Galicia (possibly with Polish intervention or such).

Having the control over the Black Sea coast South en West from Odessa would cut off the special ops of the NATO-Special ops with anti-ship and other Missiles, Flying- and Sea-Drones, creating a "Mare Russia" in the Black Sea. It would connect with Transnistria also.

The attempt by Ukraine's only Special Marines troops Brigade to establish a bridgehead over the Dnieper at Krynky has to be seen in this light, As was the Summer Offensive (towards Crimea).


Just my thought.




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Peace is good for the people, but not for large corporations. It's really easy t o make money when your best stuff get blown to smithereens, and you have to keep replacing it. A thought I seen in other blogs,points out that th WEFs agenda can only be completed by first having a massive economic breakdown and global catastrophe.

How else could they get us to eat bugs?

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The USA is a very binary country. For all our mix of humanity, we are somehow able to maintain this binary right down to the identity politics that divides us. Our so called (and now very divisive) "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion," as proven decisively by the Biden administration and Democrats in the Congress is a complete joke when applied to any other country that dares not tow the line to our "rules based order." Imran Khan, simply wanting to maintain neutrality, was put our for his "aggressive neutrality." Like unto it, there is no diversity, equity and inclusion when you want to express facts about Ukraine and Israel. You are a Putin puppet or anti-Semitic and must be silenced, belittled or buried in the lies of the propaganda machine.

I'm hard pressed to imagine anyone watching the full 2 hours of the Putin interview and not having all their propagandized assumptions deeply challenged. Time will tell. Schumer, Romney, Biden, et.al, assure us we must go into deeper debt to keep the war machine going. The most important bill the Senate as passed, Shumer would have us believe.

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What I find so disturbing is how toxic the political discourse is in the U.S. Why it disturbs me is because both sides have essential matters wrong. Very, very wrong.

In short, very few see how the military industrial complex has taken us to the cleaners and how our finance, insurance and real estate (FIRE) economy has locked down or sold off anything that provides true value for us and our descendants.

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Another astute analysis. As an old Canadian who has spent and still spends a lot of time in Moscow I really appreciate that you can see things as clearly as you do--and more importantly, have the rare skills to deeply reflect and present it in such a well written format. Thank you. Enjoy your coffee!

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An excellent analysis! It's critically important to recognise the error made by an assumption of superiority, and the distinction between process and result. As an African-origin immigrant to Britain I see, wherever I now look, the entrenched arrogance (probably the legacy of an obedient Empire) that is blinded to reality, blinded to corruption, and over-forgiving of its own faults. All merely compound them!

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