*Was Hitler a bad man?... Hitler did bad things. But so did every US president since 1945.*

Was Jeffrey Dahmer a bad man? He did bad things (killed young men and ate parts of them).

Am I a bad man? I did bad things (I shoplifted a pack of gum in Jr. High on a dare). These are equivalent?

*…it (the US) wants to destroy Russia. Killing a lot of Russians is a bonus, since that would make colonization much easier,*

The US with its declining birthrate needs lebensraum? Seriously?

*Russia, a new and developing federal democracy, with constitutionally mandated human rights and freedoms*

The USSR had constitutionally mandated human rights and freedoms for a century. So it was not a dictatorship? Putin has been in power for 24 years and had to modify the constitution so he could continue as leader. He gives every indication of being a “President for Life” like Papa Doc.

*Russia sent its forces to the Ukraine to support the new republics of Eastern Ukraine, protect Crimea and prevent ongoing ethnocide*

Now that is a joke. How in the world can supporting new-fangled “republics” justify the cost Russia has paid? You must see Putin as an idiot.

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Yes, you are a Bad Man, and God will not forgive you for stealing that gum! After you die, Jeffrey and Adolph will invite for VERY hot coffee in Hell's Starbucks. And say, "Gum?". We NEVER did THAT!! :)

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he's only stolen a pack of gum because he's never been poor and in need. Besides stealing is a petty sin unless youre stealing from the poor.

He also must not know who Russias real enemies are. When Putin jailed the thief Khodorkovsky, he revealed that Yukos stock was in Jacob Rotchill's name (Mr Burns from the Simpsons). Look up JFKs secret societies speech to understand why Putin and the Siloviki he represents will not allow some dupe or con man to take power.

Putin went in to protect the Russian naval base in Sevastopol, Crimea and Crimea has been a part of Russia for centuries. The new republics are ethnically Russian and Russia went in to protect them as well as to prevent an existential threat to Russia. The same reason why the US blockaded Cuba in the 60s: its just too close to home.

Btw, Macfarlane, this post was republished on the inteldrop. org but substack will not allpw me to paste my comment there here. Its too long for me to write out again but you would become a much better "investigative journo" if you, with all due respect, learn a thing or two. If you would like for me to give you my website's URL, respond to my comment over there as i have subscribed to replies. JAH bless.

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we enjoyed the article, I write "we" to give the impression there many of us

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Hitler noted that there was a tremendous expression of sympathy abroad for the Jews, but that little was done to help them find an adequate place for settlement.

He was determined to eliminate the Jewish influence from German life. Hitler did not wish to hear the foreign nations raise the question of humanitarianism in this connection, because he remembered the 800,000 German children who died in the Allied Hunger Blockade of World War I, and that the 1919 peace treaty took one million dairy cows from Germany.

He charged that the Jews had monopolized the leading positions in German life, but he wanted his own people in those positions. He desired German civilization to remain German and not to become Jewish.

Foreign spokesmen often claimed that Germany was driving away her most valuable cultural asset, and Hitler hoped that they were sufficiently grateful that Germany was making this asset available to them.

He knew that there was ample room in the world for Jewish settlement, but he believed that it was time to discard the idea that the Jews had the right to exploit every other nation in the world.

He urged the Jewish people to form a balanced community of their own, or to face an unpredictable crisis. He predicted that a new World War would not lead to the Bolshevization of the world and to the victory of the Jews, but that it would produce the destruction of the Jewish race in Europe.

He based this prediction on the belief that the period of propaganda helplessness before Jewish influence over the non-Jewish peoples of Europe was at an end. He predicted that in a new World War, the same things would happen to the Jews in other European countries that had already happened to them in Germany.

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Actually, the jews had been welcomed in Germany and became prominent but in WW1 the king of the jews, the Rothschilds, made a deal with England that they would bring in the usa on their side in exchange for Palestine. Look up Balfour's letter to "lord" Rotchild. Thats why the germans were pissed at the jews. Also, the jews are Khazarians and converted to judaism; they are not the descendants of the ancient hebrews so they have no right to palestinian land. This has been genetcally proven at Johns Hopkins unibersity.

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Excellent peace. Makes me think, rethink, what I see as truth and at the same time you have gained trust. Both difficult to find.

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Man, if you think this is on point.... the blind leading the blind.

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Great article. Thank you!

I did not know about the 1943 Bengal Famine and that it was due to Churchill's policies.

Good to know! I need to remember it, whenever "they" talk about the Holodomor in Ukraine (though it was part of the wider Soviet famine!).

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The Ukrainian famine that everyone talks about had primarily natural causes-- not as is commonly argued Soviet policy .The Indian famine was primarily a result of economic policy – colonial policy-- in force for the convenience of the British Empire.

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It’s becomes conscious for its citizens who become the victims of this ignorance.

One notices often no one is listening or responding to questions well.

No one is home upstairs!

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In the basement playing video games

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I agree completely about how some like Caitlin Johnston attribute conscious actions about what the enemy does .

It assumes these people have a extraordinary intelligence using rational thought yet it ends up in disaster? As we see in the Ukraine War where the West keeps shooting itself between the eyes continually .

It can’t be conscious ! but for their citizens

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Julian, you wrote a great article and the comments are great too.

For most of my life I was a believer of the narrative and lies. For example, I greatly admired Churchill. As one commenter wrote, Churchill and Hitler were kinded souls. With the advent of the Internet which I used as a library I began to learn I was heavily propagandized. It culminated in an existential crisis. It was devastating. The same happened to an internet friend of mine and it put him in a psyche ward for months. Fortunately I avoided that because I had a psychiatrist.

Like you, I'm an admirer and subscribe to Caitlin Johnstone. I've learned much from her. I don't have the means to subscribe to you monthly but you get coffee now and then.

Best regards to all of you.🕊️

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Substack continues to ignore me. So no paid subscriptions anyway.

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If your reasoning is correct, i.e. that the liars who govern us in the West don't know they're lying, that simply means they're even more morons than I feared. Taking into account the facts and the context cannot lead people with a functioning brain to the conclusions drawn by Stoltenberg, to name but one. So either this guy is a pathological liar or he's an idiot. That said, the two are not mutually exclusive. In fact, I think it's characteristic of those who govern in the US camp.

A comment on the genocide of the peoples of North America. As much as I dislike the British, it's worth noting that the genocide of the American Indian population didn't begin until the advent of the "greatest nation in the history of the world": the United States. Previously, in their territorial wars, the English and French had sought the alliance of native tribes.

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They are not dumb liars; they are evil to the core and part of a grand conspiracy to fool people. Check out the following authors: Dr Preston James, ex-CIA Chip Tatum, ex-CIA Gordon Duff, Stew Webb. Dont use google or duckduckgo. Use yandex search engine.

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I have long thought the hero Churchill and the villain Hitler were deep down near-kindred spirits. Enough said on that.

I lean to the Johnstone case that the liers know they are lying. Back in 1999, I was at a guest ranch in Texas and then former Attorney General of Texas, Jim Maddox was there as guest as well. We had no interaction, but we did sit across the room and listen as he pontificated with another political operative about "perception is reality." I found the entire conversation quite revolting as they basically strategized how to lie and get away with it.

I'm even more fully persuaded now the liers know they are lying as we witness the absolute control of the narrative and crushing of dissent through censorship and worse. Certainly, to Julian's list of lies in which we are ensconced, I have zero argument. The banality of it all is astounding. The evil the lies engender, horrifying.

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I'm quite sure that some of the liars know they are lying, given the large numbers of sociopaths and malignant narcissists in government. Such people don't care about facts – except to the extent that they can use them to get ahead. For them truth is irrelevant. In lies really are just perception. In my opinion anyway

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Great Julian! Thank you very much.

The questions: "do they believe their bullshit?" also drives me since years.

Allow me some additional thoughts:

If you read what Goebbels said: "repeat your lies again and again and they will follow you" or so, it's not so easy to say: they believe it.

I think that "to believe" here is a strange melange of




They believe what they say, because their lies mirror their INTERESTS: Russia must be done.

Their interests are based on the RIGHT (make your pick: human, UN, rules whatever...) which of course is on their side.

The right is on their side because it is based on what they BELIEVE.

So Hitler believed his lies, eg. that the Bolshevik revolution was jewish, because in his view Germany had the right and the duty to free the world from all evil which is in both Judaism and Communism.

History as you describe it is part of a self affirming spiral hate. But there are always people with a higher grade of cynicism that know to ACCELERATE it. Like Goebbels.

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If you believe your lies you are deluded as you have already defined them as lies, ie. untruths so it defies logic that you could actually believe them, as you have already called them falsehoods. Your belief in the power of your lies is another matter entirely.

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One should remember that Goebbels and Hitler were different people with different motivations and political views-- initially representing two different polls of the Nazi party. Goebbels was trained as a philologist-- a kind of classical linguist. Hitler was a crazy artist. Goebbels came to support Hitler fully after reading Mein Kampf. But his views on propaganda were subtly different. Hard to say, since both Goebbels and Hitler said so many contradictory things throughout their careers-.

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