JMac - your insights are edifying to read and again confirm the Biblical advice to 'Prove all things and hold on to that which is good!"

God bless you, man!

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Prove all things and hold on to that which is good. What better advice than that! That is especially true as we get older.

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Hello Julian, I'm proofreading my translation of your article and there are some points that are not clear to me. I'll point you to them so that you can explain me better. Our readers at comedonchisciotte.org can be damn fussy sometimes and the porr translator/editor is always in the crosshair (I for myself had my fair share of translations in the field of aviation safety matters).

1) the jet was cruising at 8,000 feet and 590 mph? Not likely, first because it has a max sped of 0.8 Mach/459 knots. Or do you mean that 590 was its fall speed from 8,000 feet?

2) climbing from 8,000 to 30,000 sounds weird too, or was it 18,000 or even 28,000? Actually, you wrote that it fell down straight from 19,725 feet

Thanks in advance for clearing these points to me.

Best regards,

Arrigo de Angeli, Rome, Italy

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Thank you soooooooooooo much for picking up on this. The jet reaching a cruising altitutde of 28,000 feet, not 8000 . I have corrected that. It's cruising speed is 455 knots or 523 mph. 590 mph was mentioned in some sources but I think this is the jet's maximum speed. I will check again and correct. Once again -- thanks!

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Hello Julian,

hopefully replying to this mail will reach you at that strange address…, I wish you to have the most recent translations of your articles published by ComeDonChisciotte.

Just for your info, CDC (shame, we have that same acronym) started 20 years ago as a blog by a pair of enthusiasts, who then passed the torch to another pair after a couple of years.

These two tough guys lasted till the game became too hard (i.e. the Covid folly) and then were replaced by some tougher others and we started to grow in figures, passing from maybe 4 or 5 volunteers to the current 30 or more I don't know, our first national meeting in presence is scheduled for Saturday, Semptember 9. We're definitely no-profit, often contributing with our money and some from our readers just to keep the site running.

We did attract some attention by the Italian MSM and we're now considered a kind of pain in the ass by meny…, that's great, it means they feel our sting and we must thank, on the foreign press side, people like you and many others.

Thanks, and feel free to get in touch whenever you wish.

Best of all,

Arrigo and CDC's Editors Team


https://comedonchisciotte.org/guerra-con-la-polonia-la-prossima-mossa/ - Btw: how really old are you? Your photo shows a youngster…, I for myself am very close to 74.


https://comedonchisciotte.org/prigozhin-il-giullare-della-russia-o-una-maskirovka/ - This last published together with one by Larry Johnson.

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Will post the link to the Wagner crash as soon as it's published, probably tomorrow.

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The West did it no doubt

The only question is, "Is this real"?? See here's the problem, this isn't the first time that PRIGO was killed

If he's dead, its CIA trying to get some Wagner people to antagonize PUTIN

If he's not dead, then he's in Africa running the entire NIGER show

Occam's Razor, say's he's alive and in Africa and running the show "incognito'

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Excellent research journalism is a treat to read. One doesn’t mind waiting for the truth to emerge by reading it. With lies however.....

Can’t wait for the next one?

Substack must be finding it very difficult to survive the Pentagon’s interference in this hubristic oppression of free speech. We can still donate a coffee to the Pygmy Owl!

The wild will always find a way to thrive.

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That is a fair point.

I know that the buck stops with Potus, but I imagine that the backstabbing idiots in the Pentagon were the driving force behind the action.

Same with the bombing of Syria, after the "gas attack" that never was.

Wasn't Putin allegedly behind the assassination of Litvinenko though?

Salisbury looks like a British plot to smear the Russians, but Litvinenko's murder seemed true enough.

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Western intelligence agencies (including Israel's) have a long track record of murdering anyone they find annoying or even disobedient. The Russian government doesn't.

Such behaviour is a symptom of a government that is losing integrity and coherence - starting to come apart.

Ask yourself how you have learned about Litvinenko and his death. Was it by any chance from the same sources who lied about MH17, the Skripals, Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess, Navalny, etc.?

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Absolutely. I used to believe that the media mostly told the truth.

Then I saw how they reported on Trump, when the actual truth was easily found.

And in reports of Islamic terrorism attacks in London, claiming that white supremacy was the biggest threat.

My bullshit alarm has been going haywire ever since.

I also used to believe that we (Nato) were the good guys.

When I found out how much we have been lied to about the two World wars and everything since, I pretty much disengaged from ever trusting any media, government or any so called "experts".

Nothing is beyond questioning.

If it is, then it's probably a lie.

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My story is very similar. My father fought in the British Army in India, Iran, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Sicily and the rest of Italy in 1942-5. As a boy most of my games were military, and it was always the British and American "good guys" against the rotten Germans - then, gradually, the rotten Soviets! I became a big Tom Clancy fan. All this while I went through school, university, and full-time employment, which didn't give me time or encouragement to look behind the immediate picture presented by the media (and books and films).

The image began to crack in 2003 with the Second Iraq War, when I started noticing how often the official and media stories really didn't hold water. Being self-employed by now, I had a bit more leisure. At some point, in disgust with the British and US government briefings, I found the Russian MoD's concise, factual reports. What a contrast! Since then I haven't looked back. The MSM may occasionally tell the truth, but I wouldn't know because I never pay any attention to them.

There is a huge amount of information and opinion online, and we can usually get a pretty good idea of where the truth lies. I am happy to say that Julian's blog seems to be one of the better sources.

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Thank you for this. I try anyway. And lI have lots of commentors to keep me on track.

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Putin is the most alert, careful and well-informed leader in modern history – still. Xi agrees. He's a big fan. Watch the body language when they meet at the BRI 10th reunion next month.

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I love PUTIN, mostly because he's a 4th DAN in real JAPAN judo-kan, that is an incredible feat of perseverance.

That said, Xi is a political creature, and MAO still rules 'bank of China' via Rothschild and "Xi", while PUTIN has honestly tried to 'break-away' from the bitch;

( Stalin too was created by ZOG, by schiff&loeb bankers 1920's bolsheviks, same-same rockefeller/rothschild MAO, same agents, same pay-master, so-so Hitler too Rockefeller/Bush )

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I still just don't get the Communists are actually secret bankers conspiracy theory.

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I can lead a horses retarded ass to water, but honestly I don't give a fuck if it drinks.

That said "BOTS" don't read links, they shit-post by 'sentiment' as bots on substack;


"How rothschild banks created communism, nazism, and capitalism to engineer permanent wars".

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It's ok, I don't get how dumb fucks like you didn't expires 1,000 generations ago, just lucky I guess, dumb, fat, ugly, and stupid;

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Shhh. It's a secret secret.

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No secret, dumb as a rock, is a real thing, and no offense to 'rocks'

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You had me up until "Trump being credited with multiple assassinations".

That single statement shows a worrying lack of critical thinking.

Clinton? Yes.

Biden? Probably.

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Didn't he assassinate Solemeni and sit on his hads when the Saudi's chopped up Kashoggi? Thats at least two assassinations right there.

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The assassination of Solemani belongs to Trump, but with the certainty of direct pressure from the Pentagon.

Same with the bombing in Syria due to the orchestrated lie of a gas attack.

Khashoggi's murder is not of Trumps doing.

Nor within his control.

You could argue that he should have chastised them over it, but I doubt that any politician would have, given the importance of Saudi oil.

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Well if he did, he might be in the situation Biden is now with the Saudi's looking to jump ship.

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As Dr Noam Chomsky has pointed out, if the Nuremberg Principles had been rigorously (or even loosely) observed, every US President since FDR (including him) would have been hanged for war crimes.

Becoming US President necessitates the willingness to accept responsibility for mass murder and many other horrible crimes. British ministers are hardly any less guilty - and then only because they lack the power to do as much harm as the Americans.

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Same Chomsky now that we know who went to Epsteins "Fuck a Child Island"

Even in 1950's Chomsky was what we in DOD DARPA called a "Golden Boy", he is the father of compiler-linguistics computation, BNF ( Backus-Naur-Form for Natural computation Liinguistics ); Chomsky was a DOD-CIA God in the 1950's and retired in 1960's and 'started doing politics" the rest as fuck-head said is 'history'.


So today when CHOMSKY says that "CHAT-GPT" aka OPEN-AI, aka is "BULLSHIT" he knows, because his "ELIZA" in 1960's was better than what we have today.

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I'm British, ex military and I used to believe I was doing the right thing.

Luckily I was never put in a position where I was morally compromised.

I did begin to question it when I found out that we had left the Kurds? Marsh Arabs? to be slaughtered by Saddam after the 1st Gulf war.

But we had been out there doing some good, so I understand there has to be an end point to any operation.

I suspect that we both underestimate the British governments power to do harm.

We used to be know as "perfidious Albion" for a reason.

Boris allegedly quashed the early peace deal between Zelensky and Putin, thus ensuring the continuation of war, while we also appear to have a hand in a many of the attacks against Russian infrastructure.

I suspect the city of London, rather than the government is calling the shots.

Much like the District of Columbia is slowly destroying America from within.

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Trump assassinated Iran's greatest living war hero, General Soleimeni, remember?

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Sorry Harry. I am counting drone strikes as a form of assassination. They target individuals without regard for collateral damage. The killing of Soleimani was an assassination and also took the lives of 10 other people. Perhaps the difference between Trump and Obama is that Obama was hugely proud of his ability to kill people.

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The most likely culprit in my mind is the French secret service as the government of France are piqued at their loss of influence in Africa.

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Like MI6 and the CIA they are just not good enough at this kind of thing. That's why the West does drone strikes. Ukraine does terror attacks on soft (civilian) targets.

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