Jul 5, 2023·edited Jul 5, 2023

Excellent analysis Julian. One suggestion: that photo of Zelensky at the end of your post would be much more credible if he were dressed in his green fatigues, rather than a white shirt and tie. Photoshop is your friend.

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LOL....I think the chimp is cute. Zelensky? NOT cute?

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Just updated my article using Piquet's comment, with links to HIS superb article! Make sure you read his article.

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Good post, Julian. My coffee got cold. My daughter is a crazy cat lady who would appreciate how you rescue street cats. I've done so as well. It's very rewarding.

I know how it feels to lose all and being totally down. It's important not to give up and never wallow in self pity. Once in the depths of despair as I was losing hope, a tiny voice came in my head and I felt comforting arms around my chest. The voice told me not to give up, don't despair, praise your Maker and the best years of your life are still ahead of you.

Damn if He wasn't right because now I'm living a life beyond my wildest dreams!


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Thank you for sharing this! It give me hope. And I am sure it give others hope, too.!

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It's my pleasure Julian. I share in gratitude.

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Oh Man! You got it right about Simplicius the Thinker. There's much to take in and I do so in the morning with my morning cigar and lots of coffee.

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Its concerning, for sure, Alex Krainer also hints at something untoward may be happening at ZNPP tonight https://alexkrainer.substack.com/p/is-something-catastrophically-bad , and he is not usually the 'doom and gloom' type, but sees the positive side of things, even at the worst of times.

Plus there was some 'whistleblower' on Twitter and Reddit? supposedly from 'US Naval Intelligence' or somesuch telling how US is helping with the falseflag at ZNPP today, and claiming US readying tactical nukes as response, those posts were quickly deleted, unknown if fake, most likely ?

I for one will be very relieved once the damn NATO meeting next week is concluded and no falseflags seen before that, too many madmen at the wheel nowadays in the western politics to be sure of anything, i guess.

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The NATO meeting is (IMO) a nothing event. Just a bunch of chimps picking lice off each other and pretending they are canapes. An issue is rumor -- which is all over the place. The Russian media is a source. It is very diverse and includes all views. By and large, the Russians don't trust "official sources", which is a holdover from Soviet times. Americans on the other hand, seem to trust the media, which gets its marching orders from ..."official sources".

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All these scenarios suggest that we're dealing with apprentice sorcerers, less like Mickey Mouse in Fantasia, and far more dangerous. But are we sure there is a master sorcerer? In other words, does whoever is pulling the strings in Washington really have his Zelensky puppet in hand? What's more, there's also an overflow of apprentice sorcerers on the Washington side, which isn't particularly reassuring.

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"You could however hit the nuclear waste storage casks which sit out in the open, though it’s questionable how radioactive they are given that they are spent waste (well, certainly radioactive but not as much as the live fuel)."

Quick note: it's just the opposite. Spent fuel is many times more radioactive than fresh low-enriched uranium fuel. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spent_nuclear_fuel). Radioactivity does decline over a few years, but the fuel is still quite radioactive, just not fissionable for purposes of generating enough heat to generate steam of sufficient pressure to spin a big turbine.

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Thank you Piquet. I didn't check this comment by Simplicius although I should have! Radioactive fuel is mildy radioactive compared to spent fuel rods before it enters the reactor. Once it is being used -- that's a different matter. So a reactor meltdown or explosion is indeed dangerous. However, the nuclear waste is equally dangerous which is why the containment vessels are designed to withstand trauma of all kinds. The question, It think, is not so much the amount of radiation released by an explosion but the dispersal. In any case, very dangerous.

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I read Simplicius religiously and agree he has some great and 'long' posts. But I actually enjoy the long ones over coffee, like you said. On one hand NATO are talking Article 5 for a dirty bomb scenario while simultaneously dumping the radioactive waste from Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean. Crazy world we live in. They can fit the narrative anyway they want to swing it. And I'm also of the ilk, if you have the IAEA into a facility, there's a 30% chance a false flag might not be to far behind.

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good morning, a question that I can not answer: Russia under the strictest sanctions, under siege by all Western countries which supply weapons, men, technology and money to ukronazis who use it all to kill defenseless Russian soldiers and citizens, Russians continue to supply Ukraine through the theater of war through gas and oil pipelines to its mortal enemies using energy and raw materials in the armaments industry to be used against Russia itself,

how to make the rope for the hangman who tries to hang you,

thanks for an answer

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A good question. Russia depends a lot on being a reliable supplier of natural resources - which means observing its contractual obligations. The SMO is technically not a war. That said, the West does not have the industrial base to keep up supplying weapons forever without bankrupting itself. There is an economic side to this. IMO. Maybe some other commentators know more about this than me.

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Thanks for the reply,

it is one thing to be a reliable supplier to a reliable customer, and another to be the one who supplies the grindstone to sharpen the knife with which he would like to cut my throat.

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I suspect Russia wants to keep some doors open for the aftermath of this confrontation. European countries could be good customers, again. Russia also has a reputation to protect as a supplier. Buyers want to know that they can disagree strongly without losing access to crucial supplies. The narrow legalism of sticking to contract, even during what amounts to a war, is very reassuring.

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