Great work again.

Brian is a very good source of military and technical issues in the Middle-East.

I agree with your layered Air-Defense description.

I remember the two attacks by Trump with Tomahawks from the East-Mediterranean US-Navy and how they failed.

About the first one in 2017 i speculated, based upon the known facts, that the Russians had been using Electronic Warfare (GPS take-over) from the North of Syria where they are based, to let more than half of about 60 Cruisemissiles drop into sea and only a few, directed more southward, hitting an airbase that had been evacuated before the strike (in a deal with Trump).


The second one in 2018 should have been a dummy attack (another deal Putin-Trump).

The so-called SARIN-sites were hit and appeared to NOT contain Sarin. The sneaky attempts to hit Airfields and other military Targets were mysteriously all missing their targets


I am certain, that the Electronic Warfare system that Putin brought to Iran is even much better...

Well... We will see...


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I think you are right, I did not emphasize the importance of Russian EW enough.

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