The Blogosphere is alive with the sound of…chatter—as everyone natters on and on— and on about how Zelensky was “snubbed” in Washington and at the UN, with Poland now withdrawing support for Ukraine. My only question is why did it take so long? It is hardly a surprise!
What is this anyway? High school?
The Ukraine Show had great ratings for quite a long time in the West, but I guess people were getting tired of it— so this series will be canceled.
Sorry—diehard Neo-Nazi fans. It’s the sponsors’ decision.
But they’re coming back with something for you, of course following the same formula.
Not to worry, even if there is a writers strike now we’re working on in the next show, which like the various seasons of the Ukraine series will be sponsored by your favorite brands at the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think Tank complex. (MICIMATT)
Of course, it will take some time: the off ramp is harder with a demented old guy at the wheel. Still… as I wrote previously, in The Off Ramp from Ukraine….
So get off the Ukraine highway. And find the On Ramp for China at the Taiwan Turn Off.
Fuck Ukraine and maybe…just maybe…move to the Taiwan Story, with Japan playing Poland’s role.
If we think of this as a journey, the final destination remains the same— the attempt of Empire to maintain hegemony if not world domination. But the route is now different and already there has had to be changes. With Uncle Joe at the wheel, it’s easy to get lost.
For one thing, the US was counting on the support of Poland in this proxy war that is for the Polish army to step in if Western Ukraine failed. But that was never going to happen, which complicates the shift in direction just a little.
As I wrote here in The Evolution of the 21st Century:
When Poland fell in 1939, Russia took back the historic lands of the ‘Rus, including Galicia. Stepan Bandera, now the “Father” of the Ukraine, led the way slaughtering thousands of Poles, as well as Jews in 1943. Now he has been canonized by the NeoNazis. As you can see, it is unlikely that Western Ukrainians will welcome the Poles —or the Poles will want to try to rule Western Ukraine. Oil and water.
The US always thought it was water and whiskey. That doesn’t matter to Poland, which will benefit from being NATO’s frontline state in NATO’s Forever War once the Russians have demilitarized and denazified Ukraine.
In the meantime MICIMATT is searching for other places where it can create conflict and make money, even if Taiwan doesn’t work out and presumably even if Japan can’t play Poland.
Notes from the zoo
The Loris is an endangered species now. It wasn’t when I worked in the zoo.
I remember when we received a young Slender Loris, which I was trying to feed by hand.
Unfortunately, a Loris has very sharp teeth. And its bite is venomous, A lot of people go into anaphylactic shock. I was lucky. It hurt— but that was all. The Loris and I got along fine afterwards. but I was careful to wear gloves. If you like this article. please click here or on the picture.
Stepan Bandera did not lead the slaughter of Poles or Jews in 1943, as he was in a German concentration camp (as well as both of his brothers), most of the time in solitary confinement. Obviously he was also not a Nazi collaborator. The slaughtering by the OUN was led by Mykola Lebed, who later was adopted by the CIA and moved to Pittsburgh to run Project Aerodynamic.
Thank you for an interesting and thought provoking analysis which pulls together different threads into a coherent overview. Excellent.